1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

Image result for future opportunitiesOne way that it can effect your life is when you apply for job your future boss will search up your name in internet. As we all know every thing that we post or comment on our social media will always stay in the internet as  your digital footprint, so when your future boss search’s your name he will be able to see every thing. Now it all depends on what you have left in the internet as a footprint, if your digital footprint was a positive one you will get the job but if your digital footprint is offensive and bad  you will probably loose that job opportunity and that is one effect that can happen.

Second way that footprint can effect your opportunities is when you apply for university, they will also search for you in the internet to find out if you are qualified for that school. they will look at your posts, history, record and anything that could be inappropriate , so that could effect what carrier you are going to peruse later in life because you might not go to the university that you want.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you

can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

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The first strategy that you can use is always have  your social media settings on privacy mode so any one else won’t be able to see your posts other than your friends .

The second strategy that I would recommend is to always run-through in your brain about the post that you are going to send. you have got to think if this post that I am going to make is offensive and impropriety or not also if you can not diced if you are going to post it you can ask friend to take a look at it and give their opinion.

The third and the last solution that I am going to offer, is to before  you post something in the internet out of emotional feelings  or when you are just simply drunk, instead of making a post about it just relax for a second and just take a break from being online until you are feeling less emotional and that will save you another embarrassing post that could of been added to your digital footprint files.

3. If you could go back in time, is

there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

Image result for going back in time

Well first of all I was born at country that had a lot of restrictions and rules associated with how the internet could be used and being the kid that I was did not ha access to the internet up until I was ten but still after that pried I opened a social media account and used it to stay at contact with my friends which it deeply effected my marks at the school because during my study times at home I could not keep my brain focused at the books because my friends were sending massages and I could not help but check my notifications and to make them stop spamming massage`s  I would tell them shut up and use curse words , if I could go back in time I would tell him to not only to stop massaging curse words and even give your phone to your mother so you are not drowning in the virtual world, also I would tell him that you should have your boundaries about using tech in when and where and not have your phone for the entirety of a day and remember that you need your sleep and not have your phone when you are sleep because it will cause disturbance at your sleep and these are what I would warn my younger self.

thank you .