June 14


What are your thoughts on hybrid learning compared to when you are in school all day? Which format do you prefer, and why?

I personally believe hybrid learning to be a little harder than the normal system because I find it harder to stay engaged and give my continued attention during an online class. The online classes do not have the depth that an in-person class has, there is hampered communication between presenter and audience, and it generally feels less connected. With what I would describe as less personality in the online classes I prefer the older system of having a full day and being in person for all your classes.

How has technology benefited you and hindered you during the hybrid system?

Technology has benefited me during by hybrid experience by allowing me to even partake in the hybrid system. With the technology available to me I was able to access all my assignments and complete them. I was also able to find resources much quicker and easier to help me complete these assignments. Technology is the life and blood of the hybrid system and helps at every step of the way. However, it does not come without its drawbacks. With the freedom of being able to do whatever you want without and instructor or peers in the room, I found myself wandering and my attention straying. With the hybrid system I had to be much more mature and have better work habits in order to complete the course (I still may not have had the best work habits though). I could quickly search up whatever I was thinking about at that moment, and I found because of this I was getting off task much more than normal. This is especially bad because of the quarter system where things move much quicker, and you need to finish assignments to a high standard in a timely fashion. While technology allows the hybrid system to exist and allows me to access resources much more easily, it quite nearly caused my downfall on multiple occasions.

What is one core competency that you already were proficient with that helped you succeed during hybrid learning when you were forced to be more independent?

I believe that going into the hybrid system I was most proficient with the communication branch of core competencies in that I could easily acquire, interpret, and present information. I found that this helped me a lot in my writing assignments to express myself and get my point across. This was especially helpful in the hybrid system where you do not see the instructor as much and you have to be able to express yourself and make yourself look competent without actually talking to and being in the room with them. Good evidence for my ability to acquire, interpret, and present information I believe is a writing assignment that I did for my English class in quarter one. The assignment consisted of finding sources on the topic of virtual reality in different fields and citing them in an opinionated essay to try and convince our teacher of its benefits. My teacher responded well to my essay, and I got a great mark for it. This coupled with the fact I felt like I did a good job on this assignment is why I am citing it as evidence for this section. (I will link the paper at the bottom of the blog)

What is one core competency that you have improved or developed during the hybrid learning portions of the year?

A core competency branch that I have improved on during the hybrid system would be the personal awareness and responsibility branch. Going into the hybrid system I was terrible with my time management (and still am to a degree) and had a very hard time handing in assignments on time. Throughout the year I have had to improve on this core competency in order to complete my courses. I    believe proof of my improvement would be my success in my Mandarin 11 course. Throughout this course we were constantly given vocabulary to memorise days before it was on a test. We were given research assignments we had to finish that day and condense it into a PowerPoint. The course moved fast and if I did not self regulate and make responsible decisions I would have never kept up. Unfortunately, due to the nature of my evidence I can not link a specific document as proof, however if you have doubts you can check my report card for quarter three.

All media is from https://pixabay.com/ and licensed under the Pixabay license

Link to cited document https://sd43bcca-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/125-aradtke_sd43_bc_ca/EeJltXXG3P1MnQFVLIaSR1cBitzFmm29On5fn-G5K-EWbQ?e=n5uNnZ  

Posted June 14, 2021 by in category General