Eminent Project Learning Centre

All About Julia Child

Hello there!

Perhaps you have heard the name Julia Child somewhere else before and you are wondering who she really was?

Well, if that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place!

In this escape-room-style Learning Centre, you’ll learn all about Julia Child–her accomplishments, obstacles she overcame, and much more!

Have fun!


14 thoughts on “Eminent Project Learning Centre

    1. Hi Ms. Mulder,
      Thank you!

      The quality I most admire in her is her ability to laugh at herself, even on air when she makes a mistake in her cooking. This fun, open approach is what made her so much more eminent in giving people the courage to get into the kitchen–they knew that it was okay to make mistakes. I also admire this ability the most because I think I am certainly the opposite and I would like to learn to be like her.

      From Anita

  1. Woahh Anita! This project blew me away. Props to you for your hard work, it really shows!
    Are you also interested in cooking, and is that the reason you picked Julia Child as your eminent person?

    1. Thank you!! Oh yes, I am interested in cooking…more so food…and also who wouldn’t be interested in Julia Child as a person? I wanted to find out more about her and her personality showed through every article I researched. That’s why I chose Julia as my eminent person.


  2. I loved the escape room idea. It is so creative. It was also a little tricky a first.
    Keep up the great work.

  3. Hey Anita, this is so creative and well done! I learned a lot and I absolutely love your escape room idea. Great job! Also woah, 700 pounds of butter is so much butter

  4. Hey Anita, really cool learning centre! I love the creative way you set it up as an escape room, and I had lots of fun hunting and reading through the clues. Unfortunately I got stumped on the last stage, and I’m still stuck! Overall, I think it’s a really great learning centre and I’ve learned so much about Julia Child. Who knew a cookbook could take 9 years to write? 9 years ?!

    1. Oh my thank you for your comment Annie!!! I am SO happy you had fun doing my learning centre!! Yes writing the cookbook was a very long journey for Julia. But she kept through it and I think that’s what made it so successful. Anyway heehe nobody knows the answer except for me (kind of!)!! Or maybe I should give everybody a hint which is to go in doc #10 to look for the final clue…!

      Thank you so much for your comment again Annie!

  5. Hi! This is super cool! I love that you made it an escape room, it made it really intimidating, fascinating, ivigorating, etc UwU
    I was wondering ,what does social butterfly mean? Also, how exactly did she end up being tasked with making shark repellent?
    Oh the word I was looking for up there was “Interactive”.
    – Xylia

    1. Thanks a bunch, Xylia!!! I am so glad that you enjoyed going through my learning centre, and you solved it without any help..!>

      “Social butterfly” was just what Julia called herself before meeting Paul, in her autobiography My Life in France. She didn’t know what to do with her life, she had ambition but couldn’t put anything together–until Paul introduced her to cooking!

      Julia wasn’t exactly ‘tasked’ with making shark repellant. She was part of a team, researching/working on this problem, and it took them a year, I believe, to test a bunch of combinations of chemicals until they found the right one that produced a dead-shark smell! And Julia played a big role in discovering that, I suppose, being the kind of person she is!

      Thanks, Anita

    1. Thank you Mr. Gosselin! Your compliment means a lot to me! I would say I am proud of my learning centre too and it was a lot of fun making it!!


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