Digital Footprint Assignment

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

Your digital footprint is a trail of online history in which can always be traced in your name. How can this affect your future opportunities? Well, you see, if you are going into a style of business, you may be required to give any form of information on your web-browser history. This means they can use your personal online experience to track your behavior. If you post anything crude, it could come with some backlash, and you may not get the job in your business field.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

To keep yourself safe, it is ideal to not use your full name. This way, no one can fully prove that it is you behind a certain chain of messages, posts, or anything you wouldn’t want your boss to see. Using private social media features can also protect you from people with unwell intentions.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

Personally, I don’t spend too much time online. However, I have known people who have crossed the line in a media sense. There is no need to be cruel, especially online. Everything is linked to the cloud, and it does not disappear. I feel as though this would be good advice for anyone who is starting off on a social media platform. It’s essential to remember that whatever you are doing on the internet is permanent. Each action is data that is stored in the cloud. I would not want something negative attached to my name – I doubt anyone else would either, hence, why I think it’s good advice.