Emily Dickinson Learning Centre


Welcome to my Eminent Person Learning Centre as American poet Emily Dickinson.

If you are interested in learning about me please check out my Digital Learning Centre.

There is no specific order so take the time to look at what interests you the most.

Thanks for visiting!


22 Thoughts.

  1. What wonderful analysis here!
    Emily, you mention that unfortunately, like many other artists, you did not achieve fame until after your death and that you had conflicting views over being published even while you were alive. How do you think your life and writing would have changed if you had gotten published during your lifetime?

    • Hello,
      Thanks so much for your comment! I think that I might have gotten a lot of backlash for my work if it were to be published. The themes that I talked about in my writing and the fact that I am a woman wouldn’t have been appreciated by everyone in my life. I think I would have lived a very different life than what I ended up experiencing.
      -Emily Dickinson

  2. Hey Emily! I love your poetry and have been reading it for many years. Death is certainly a topic you talk about a lot. Combined with all of the time you spent alone in your home (and without visitors or a family), do you think that it is possible you were suffering from mental health challenges? Or do you believe that you were simply a hermit? Great job!

    • Hi,
      Thank you for your comment. I think it is definitely possible that I was dealing with mental health issues given that there was a lot of tragedy in my time. I also think it’s possible that I felt distant from other people because I had different views and wanted to focus on my passion.
      -Emily Dickinson

  3. A very interesting read and I learned several new things about you. I wonder how your writing could have been influenced if you lived in the current era of computers and social media-would they have provided more opportunities to connect with other people, or would you still prefer your own company most of the time?

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your question! I think that I would have benefited a lot from being able to connect with more people with modern technology. I do love having my own time to work on my writing but I also enjoy thinking about different points of view.
      -Emily Dickinson

  4. Damn, why do the most influential and beautiful art always come from the roughest of lives. I really liked how you branched out into more detail for the topics in your very posh learning centre. I recognized that you have a very unique style of writing, using very unique styles and techniques. I wonder how your life and experiences apart from poetry influences your work? Thank you Emily for your impact on poetry and young poets like Clara.

    • Hi,
      Thanks for your question! One of the biggest ways that my real-life affected my poetry was through visuals. The places I experienced were often used as visuals to represent my ideas in writing. As well as the internal conflicts I had were often brought up in my writing.
      -Emily Dickinson

  5. Your opinions and ideas that you shared on each of the topics covered were really thoughtful. It was also nice how you shared about some more personal or sensitive topics, like death and faith.
    Do you think, if you were given a chance to write again, that you would cover different topics or explore different avenues of writing?

    • Hello,
      Thanks so much for your question. I definitely would continue writing about those topics because they were something I thought about a lot. I would love to write more about different nature in the world though if I had the opportunity to explore it more.
      -Emily Dickinson

  6. Hello Emily! Your infographic was very fun to use. I liked how you were able to make long pieces of text readable. I have a question for you though, how did you feel when your sister suddenly decided to publish your poems?

    • Hi,
      Thank you for your question. It definitely wasn’t something I saw happening with my work after having had no recognition. I don’t know if I love all the fame but I do like how her publishing my work led to changes in poetry.
      -Emily Dickinson

  7. I thought it was interesting to use certain universal concepts like faith and death to make everyone understand your poems, also the ink writing made everything seem very real. Had you known your writing would make a lot of impact, would you have chosen to try and have others see your work before you died?

    • Hi,
      Thank you for your question and comment. I think that making that impact was very important to me but I’m not sure I would have done it during my life if it brought so much attention.
      -Emily Dickinson

  8. Hello! Your poetry was always something I admired and the fact that your work wasn’t discovered after our death was something I didn’t know. I loved your layout of the learning center and was really invested in your story! I was wondering, what is your favourite piece of writing you wrote and why?

    • Hello,
      Thank you for your question. I don’t think that I could pick one favourite. I do really love the poems where I am able to express my internal conflicts and the important emotions I felt throughout my life.
      -Emily Dickinson

  9. Hi Emily, sorry I’m a bit late to the party. This was an extremely well done project, and I particularly loved the format you used to express your life story. I’ve always really admired your poetry, so I had a question. If you had to hazard a guess, why do you think your poetry and writing have remained classics over time?
    Great Job 🙂

    • Hello,
      Thanks for your question! I think it has remained important because some of the styles I used were so unique. I also think that the emotions I expressed with my writing are still relevant today so people are able to connect to my work.
      -Emily Dickinson

  10. The presentation was well thought out, there was a lot of information but the Canva made it feel much easier to read and much more engaging. I also liked how there was no order to what you had to click so you could read what you want and I found that it was easier to retain information from it this way. I was wondering if you had ever tried reciting a poem in front of a crowd and if so how did it go?

    • Hi,
      Thanks for your question. I never performed my poetry for a crowd, but when I was alive I loved to share my poetry with my friends like Susan Gilbert and they would help me edit my work.
      -Emily Dickinson

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