Core Competency Nov. 18 2020

  1. During Quarter 1, what went well for you? Examples: being back in the classroom, having only two courses, seeing my friends, keeping up with homework, playing volleyball, improving math, helping plan a virtual assembly, becoming more fit.
Seeing my friends and making new ones was the highlight of my quarter. This went well for me because I got to make new friends in Foods, as well as reconnect with my old friends. I thought it was very fun to be in a quarter with different peers because I got to experience new things with new people. In addition, Foods and Math were both very enjoyable. In terms of both academics and the overall experience, I was very pleased. I was able to catch up with the pace of math and learn to cook new dishes. At home, I was also able to stay physically fit and improve my well-being. Thus, this term was pretty eventful and full of many opportunities to work on bettering myself.
  1. During Quarter 1, what did you find challenging or disappointing or stressful? Explain.
The only thing stressful this term was when I was using new cooking appliance in Foods. When I was handling the food processor, I was especially nervous since I was not sure on how the appliance worked and how powerful it was. Furthermore, using some heat elements in cooking was challenging because timing could easily affect the dish. This can include burning the food, overcooking the dishes, or burning myself. As I was more used to the kitchen, I was less worried about these issues and confident that I could succeed with new things.


  1. Think of ONE thing you really want to improve in Quarter 2 (and Q 3&4). Examples: a school subject, a sport, time spent on homework/studying, playing a musical instrument, leadership skills, a language, photography, a relationship, general fitness.
In quarter 2, I want to improve the fluidity of my writing to better express my writing style. This entails enhancing my vocabulary and including more descriptive words.


  1. What are two specific actions that you can start doing every day to get closer to your goal? How long will you spend on this action each day? What part of the day?
a)       I will read for 20 minutes every day before I go to bed. This specification focuses on English, when learning new words and sentence structure.



b)      I can review the dictionary every morning for 5 minutes to learn about new words, synonyms, and antonyms.



  1. If you experience challenges, what might you do to work through them? Examples: ask help from a friend or parent; break the task into smaller chunks; “google” how other people may deal with similar problems.
If my specified goal faces some obstacles, I can act on it by changing my schedule, ask a family member to help me stay accountable, or try something different in my routine. This could be like switching the book I read or becoming more familiar with word I already know but don’t use as often. If I face a challenge such as not wanting to complete my goal, I will take some off days to refocus and come back from those difficulties.