Core Competency Activity

During Quarter 1, some changes that went well for me was fitting into my class. I made new friends in both of my classes and got back with previous friends as well. Something else that went well for me was that only having two courses per quarter. I could focus better and learn quicker by only focusing on just Science and Spanish. Spanish was an especially fun course for me and provided a solid start to every morning. I would also say that during this quarter, I learned more in science than any other year before.

During Quarter 1, I found It challenging in the first few weeks to keep up with everything going on. It was a new environment for me, and I got confused about how the system and courses were working a lot. Something else that was a bit stressful was the amount of homework in certain courses. I had trouble managing my time to get homework done in time, but by the second half of the quarter, I was able to keep up with the pace of the class.

One thing I want to improve for Quarter 2 (and Q 3&4) is spreading out my work time more. Especially for bigger projects that are assigned more than a week before due, I often end up doing the majority of it in the last few days. If I spread out my time more, I’ll be able to make my end works the best I can make them, and cleaner and more edited.

Something else I want to improve on is my piano. Lately, I haven’t been progressing as fast as before. I could definitely find time for practicing almost daily. I have a challenging piece of music that I would like to finish before or close to the end of the year.

To spread out my working times:

  1. I will maintain a physical list of all my current assignments, and update/check it daily. I plan to do this daily after school.
  2. If I have any questions, I will ask them as soon as possible to prevent delays.

To work on my piano more:

  1. I will check off days I didn’t practise piano every night on a calendar for motivation.

If I experience challenges, I would of course first try to overcome them myself. I find the internet very useful to solve problems. If I think I need help from someone else, my first go-to would be my peers. I can easily contact most of them, and their advice is relevant and helps me most of the time. If I’m having lots of trouble or my peers couldn’t help, I would ask for advice from my teacher(s) or parents.