Digital literacy Final Assessment blog

Hello to the digital literacy teacher reading this. My name is Jafar Jeffrey, and I’m currently in grade 9. starting off with the first question that was given to us, “what are your thoughts on remote learning and what is your experience with it”. For starters, I’ve never had a learning experience like this before so this is quite new to me. However, I think that it could be very useful to me by giving me a feel of how online learning works and how I could apply that in the future. For the second question “what have you liked and disliked with it”. I’ve really liked the fact that I don’t have to wake up super early in the morning to go to school however I also don’t like staring at a computer screen for so long. For the third question, “how is technology benefiting me during the remote learning experience”. Well, it’s benefiting me by giving me a chance to continue my schoolwork and learning unlike many other people around the world who don’t have that opportunity. For the fourth question, ” what is one core competency that you are already proficient with that has helped you transition into remote learning”.  One core competency that I think I was already proficient with is critical thinking. I proved this when I completed my digital literacy/English assignment. I designed a very aesthetic infographic about grammar rules and I believe Mr. Beley should be marking it soon. For the fifth question, “what is one core competency that you have improved or developed during your remote learning experience”. I think that a core competency I’ve gained during this remote learning experience is personal awareness and responsibility. I think this because I’ve been forced to adapt to these big changes in everyday life and fill my time with useful things. For example, because of all the free time that I’ve gotten since the quarantine, I can now play many more songs on guitar, I put more time into studying, and I’ve been much fitter because I’ve been going on lots of daily runs.