Digital Footprint Assignment

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

In the future what I post will affect my opportunities in a negative and positive way. If I post something that offends or is inappropriate then it destroys all chances of me having a life. On the other hand, if I post stuff that’s positive or funny then it may increase my chances of having a successful future.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  1. Don’t post anything that’s negative or means especially if you’re intentionally trying to be mean, we don’t need your negativity.
  2. Keep in mind that there are sensitive people in the world, so if u want to post something that’s a sensitive topic for others doesn’t post it, no one wants to be spammed. Just send it to close friends that you know that will not be offended or super sensitive about it.
  3. Don’t involve yourself with people who have a bad footprint, tell the person to stop being a negative person and be a decent human being. If they don’t change then leave them because you don’t need their negativity, if they want to be stupid then let them.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

The one thing I would change in the past is to tell my past self that nobody cares about what u post, like ur not going to be famous or get hated on. I wish I had more confidence like I have now. Other than that, I think I have a pretty good digital footprint.