Semester 1 Reflection

Semester 1 Reflection

Favourite Assignment/Project:

My favourite semester 1 assignment is the “My Mitosis Stop-Motion Animation”. This assignment involved groups of two people to create a stop-motion animation that explained how the process of mitosis would function step by step. You had to create an animation using a whiteboard and markers, clay, or any sort of material you can manage to use. It also involved the groups having to use an app called “Stop Motion Studio”‘. You would have to use your phone and a tripod in order to take the pictures, so no shaking occurs. Another requirement was voice overs. After all the drawing was finished. The groups had to voice over the animation, explaining what was happening in each picture. It was more accurate and made more sense for the viewers.

Video of Assignment:

Pre-Existing Skills:

Some of my pre-existing skills includes the knowledge on how to use animation/voice over programs, organization skills, and drawing skills. I knew how animation would work, so it was easy for my partner and I to quick take pictures and put them in order. Even if we didn’t know how the app would work, it was super simple to navigate around the app and figure out which function was what. Our organization was good. We organized which steps we needed to do first and which steps we needed to do last. Finally, drawing skills. It was a skill that everyone had. Even if you aren’t good at drawing, it should be simple for you. It didn’t have to be the best art, but decent enough for the viewer to understand what was happening in each picture.


One big challenge during the assignment was the lack of time management. Towards the end, my partner and I figured out that we messed up a section and needed to redo it. At the same time, we didn’t finish the final section. We had to rush in the morning just to finish both sections. Since we rushed it, the quality of the two sections weren’t as well done as the other sections. Instead of using a small whiteboard and markers, we used line paper and pencil to finish the remaining pictures. If we managed to use our time wisely, then the whole assignment would’ve turned out in a better quality than before.