How to be a REAL success

1. Remember their name 

Remembering people’s names is a very important part of having good relationship skills. Why? Well, wouldn’t you rather be around people who care about you and think you are important? You probably would! When you remember someone’s name, especially if it’s someone you just met, that’s basically saying that you value them, and that is a great way to build stronger relationships with people. 

The reason why I chose to write about this principle is because I’m horrible at remembering people’s names. Even when I’ve known them for years, sometimes I second-guess myself and forget. I really want to work on this, but I’m not sure how. One tip was to take pictures of the people you want to learn the names of and put their name next to the picture, but honestly that seems kind of creepy. Another way I’ve heard of is to associate their name with stuff about them, like for example, if you meet someone named Ashley who has grey hair, and ash is grey, so you can use that to help you remember. 

I will try to apply this principle to future leadership activities and events by asking the names of people I don’t know or have forgotten, and quizzing myself occasionally to keep their names in my head. I know this principle is really important, and it was the one I scored lowest on in the relationships inventory test, so I will work hard to improve my skills in this area. 

2.  The law of significance 

The law of significance states that one is too small a number to achieve greatness. This means that to do something big, it’s improbable that you’ll be able to do it by yourself. Having people help you can add so much to your project or whatever you’re doing, because other people have different skills and ideas and perspectives. People on your team can teach you important skills and lessons, and support you when you need it. Teamwork helps people be more persistent and boosts morale. It also helps build a sense of community! With more people comes more diversity, productivity, and efficiencyYou can share tasks, and get things done faster and with higher quality! It’ll be much harder to do hard things on your own than doing them with a team. 

This law is important for me because a lot of the time I like to do big things on my own, but sometimes it’s better to ask for help and work with other people. I like doing school group projects as much as individual ones most of the time, but sometimes I think it would be better to work as a team with other people for personal projects I do on my own time. 

I can apply this to future leadership activities and events by being more open to asking for help when I need it. I can also try to make myself parts of groups more often and practice working with other people more. 

3. Our attitude is a choice 

You can make a bad situation better just by changing your attitude. Say you have a really difficult task to do that you’re dreading. You can look at it with a different perspective, and find that it’s not so bad. Your attitude also affects other people’s. If you’re happy, people around you will probably pick up at least a bit of your happiness, whereas if you’re gloomy or angry or something, other people’s attitudes will change too. 

I wanted to write about this because I know could be really useful to think more about having a positive attitude. Sometimes I’m in situations that would be a lot better if I changed my attitude, so I want to practice doing this. Also, sometimes I’m really snappy at my dad, but I realize now that that’s not going to make him any less snappy at me. A better thing to do is to just tell him that I’m annoyed with him rather than being passive aggressive as I do sometimes, because if I have a more positive attitude, he’ll probably be more positive, too. There’s no reason for me not to be positive, so I will try harder from now on to do that. 

One way I can apply this principle to future leadership activities is to think positive even when we do an activity that I don’t like. I actually can’t think of a time when we did one I didn’t like, but it might happen one day, and if it does, I’ll make sure to have a positive attitude. 

4. The law of the lid 

The law of the lid states that the leadership ability of a person determines their level of success. This is because people will be more inclined to follow you and work with you if you’re a good leader, and as the law of significance says, without a team, you won’t be able to get very far. So, you want to improve your leadership skills and get them as high as you can, so people want to follow you and you’ll have a higher level of success. Good leaders inspire people, and get them motivated! Being a leader means you can have your own ideas, and having people want to help you achieve your goals. If you’re a follower, how can you have your own ideas, and actually get anywhere with them? That’s why it’s important to be a good leader, you’ll be able to achieve your goals. 

This law is important for me to remember because I have big goals in life that I’ll need a team to accomplish, but I’m not very confident with my leadership skills yet. I want to improve them, and I know that when I do, I will have a higher level of success. 

I can apply this to future leadership trips, events, and activities by practicing being a leader as much as I can, and trying my very best to improve my skills. I’ll also try to take advantage of opportunities to improve the leadership skills I already have. 

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