Hello, welcome to my in-depth journey. This year I choose to do bass guitar. From this blog post to the following posts, I will track my learning and progress every other week.
What is In-depth?
A brief explanation of in-depth is you choose any skill you want to work on for five months while tracking the progress. The skill can be anything, from musical to artistic it doesn’t matter, it only needs to be easily assessable and not broad. At the end of the five months TALONS hosts an in-depth night where everyone shows their final project to everyone.

In-depth 2022!
For this year’s project, I choose a bass guitar. In bass guitar, I will be mainly focusing on learning the notes, beats, and slides. First, learning the notes will help me read a music sheet and find the correct place on the neck of the bass. Learning the notes and where it is on the bass is my first step, it’s the basics of the bass. After I am comfortable with the notes and the bass, I can slowly include beats. The beats can range from whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, and 32 notes (the last note I will probably not get to because it includes slapping, and it takes years to master everything that is used). The beats will help the bass have a wider range of speed and will support the foundation of music. Finally learning the slides will help make the bassist look good. Including slides between chorus and verse, etc. it will bring up the song and add the extra jam. However, the slides are the hardest part of my learning journey, it takes a lot of practice to learn and master, but I also think it will be the best part of my progress. It will be a long journey learning notes on the bass, the beats, and slides, so make sure to come in every other week to check up on my progress!

There are many reasons why I choose the bass guitar for my in-depth this year. The first reason is that my church has an empty bass position on the praise team. Having a prior background with the guitar, I thought if I learned the bass, I could fill the position. The second reason is that I want to make my musical background broader. After learning the piano, guitar, drums, and ocarina, I wanted to move on. It is not that I didn’t like any of the instruments, but the bass is different. Not like the piano and the guitar, the bass is the foundation of music. The bass isn’t in charge of the melody or the rhythm, but the bass controls the tempo and the bottom of every song. Thirdly, I just really love the bass in songs. It calms me down because the low buzz of the vibration feels good. Therefore, if I know how to pay the bass I can control and make the notes mine. Finally, since I started learning the guitar when I was in grade 6, I thought playing the bass was easy and not hard because it was just flicking the strings. I also want to make myself feel humbled by learning the difficultness of the beautiful instrument.

For this year, my mentor is a minister but not so minister in my church. His name is Dahoon Lee (but everyone just calls him David). I have known him since I was a child. David has a lot of musical abilities, he knows how to play the bass, guitar, piano, and drums (as far as I know). He is the leader in the praise team in my current church and was the leader of the youth praise team in the church we were in before. With his huge musical background, I can’t wait to learn everything he has to say about the bass!

PSA: I rented my bass, but I think I could just buy it because if I want to play on the praise team it could be good thinking long term:)
Thank you for coming to my post! Hope you come for future posts and check on my progression.

Have a great day : )