In-depth 2021 Post #1

Hi! Here is an introduction to my in-depth project on roller-skating.

Introduction to Skill

For my in-depth project, I chose roller skating as my skill. More specifically though I want to learn first how to do more long-distance roller skating and then some tricks like jumping and spinning. The biggest goal is just to feel comfortable on the skates by spending time on my roller skates and getting tips on ways to practice from my mentor. I wanted to do this skill for a couple of different reasons. The first one was because I personally think it would be a fun skill to know how to do. I also think that it could be a fun social activity once I get better. Being able to go out with my friend who can also roller skate or skateboard would be a great way to hang out (when it becomes safer to do that). My second reason for choosing my skill was because it would be a great excuse to get outside and get exercise. Having a schedule for my progress means that I will have a chance to get outside and moving several times a week. Lastly, I think this skill could help me become more coordinated and better at balancing which could always be useful for future activities.

Goals and Process

              One very important part of in-depth is our goals. My goals work in order. I cannot move on until the one before is complete. The first goal or step is simply being able to stand on my skates. Once I can do that comfortably then it would be working on doing longer and longer distances. After I can skate around places easily, I would want to move on to learning how to do tricks like spins and jumps.  I would do this by setting goals week by week having a smaller goal and time set aside each week to work on it. Having a schedule to stick to will help make sure I am constantly meeting goals. It will also help me keep track of my progress videos because it would be a consistent practice time.

Meetings and Mentor

              My mentor for in-depth is a roller-skating coach who I will be meeting to work on technique and the best ways to improve my skills. My mentor works for a roller-skating club called Rollaskate and has experience teaching so I am very excited to work with her. The plan, for now, is to meet weekly which will help make my improvement go up consistently. For meetings, we can meet online together and look over videos of skills or do some live skating over a video call depending on what we are working on. There would also be the chance to meet in person occasionally because it is an outside activity that doesn’t involve any contact.

What am I working towards?

              My idea for my final project is a collection of videos put together to show progress and give more information about my skill. I will do this by taking videos weekly on how I am improving. Keeping track of what skill I am working on at the time and how I improve after every session. That means it’s very important for me to keep up the habit of getting skating clips most times I practice. The end goal is to know at least three different skills (skating, spinning, and jumping) and be able to explain the process that I learned, and the technique involved with the skill.


What have I accomplished so far and what’s next?

              Since getting my skill approved, I have been looking at more videos of roller skating and thought about what skills I specifically want to learn with my mentor. I have also been thinking about the best places in my neighbourhood for practice once I start meeting with my mentor regularly. I need somewhere which is very flat and has room to move. For the beginning, my driveway will work just fine but once I get to moving farther the public courts in my neighbourhood would be a perfect fit for roller skating. The next part of my process is to basically dive in. The first goal of mine is to get comfortable standing on the skates so that would be the first part I would work on with my mentor. I would also want to work on getting to know my mentor since we will be seeing each other a lot.

Thanks for reading! I am so excited to get started with my skill!

1 Thought.

  1. Thank you for your detailed post. Have you been trying your skates yet? Warm up properly? Safety gear? Look forward to watching videos of you roller-skating.

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