Information Technology and Digital Media Arts

Information Technology & Digital Media Arts courses follow four general streams:
1. Digital Media
2. Computer Programming
3. Animation
4. Digital Filmmaking
These courses are “skills-based” and deal entirely with learning how to use various types of software, hardware and/or programming languages.

Media Design 9

Grade 9

In this project-based course, you will learn how to create dazzling imagery with Photoshop, cutting edge audio with Garageband, cool digital videos with Premiere and fun little animations with Flash. You will also perfect your desktop publishing skills with Word and Pages, and display it all on your own personal website. Designed with the beginner in mind, this course is split into four sections -Graphics, Web Publishing, Desktop Publishing and Multimedia – and has something for every student who wants to learn how to make their assignments stand out in a crowd!

Media Design 10

Grades 10, 11, and 12

If you have already taken Media Arts 9, then DO NOT take this course. You should consider Media Design 11 instead.
Are you a grade 10, 11 or 12 student that didn’t get a chance to take Media Arts 9 and are worried that Media Design 11 might be too much for you? If so, this course is for you! See the description above for course content.
NOTE: As noted above, this course is the same as Media Arts 9

Animation 11 (2D)

Grades 10, 11, and 12

This course provides an overview of current animation techniques and processes – both traditional and digital – with the creation of 2D computer-based character animation as the main thrust. Creation of soundtracks will also be covered. This course is open to all students in grades 10-12, but some drawing skills/artistic ability will be beneficial. Software used: Flash, Garageband, Premiere and After Effects.

Computer Programming 11

Grades 10, 11, and 12

Computer Programming 11 is an essential course to help students to harness the power of the digital age. Learning how to code and write apps has become a basic tool for students across many disciplines and areas of study. In this class, we design and write apps and make a collection of games in Java and Python. We also learn how to write exciting digital content from the ground up using the language of the web; HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript. We strive to make the course fun and collaborative in which students bring their own creative ideas into their program projects and designs. We engage in a process of problem solving, striving to continually improve our original designs. In the course, we explore the discipline of computer science more holistically and learn about some exciting emerging technologies including; artificial intelligence, machine learning, driverless technologies, quantum computing and
robotics. This course is a foundation course for future studies in the fields of computer science, engineering, mathematics, robotics and a vast array of applied technical fields. There is no prerequisite course for Computer Programming 11, however, it is geared towards students with an interest in computer science, math, tech ed. or engineering

Media Design 11

Grades 11 and 12

Open to all students in grades 10, 11 and 12. This course continues where Media Arts 9/Media Design 10 left off, focusing on the development and deployment of a wide variety of digitally created media. Course work will revolve around four core areas: (1) Web Publishing; (2) Graphic Design/Desktop Publishing; (3) Scripting/Coding; and (4) Digital Audio and Video. Basic knowledge of word processing, graphics, web development and video/audio editing software is assumed. Students with no previous experience in Photoshop, Premiere, Flash or Garageband must take Media Design 10 or see Mr. Udell for permission.
Foundation: Media Arts 9 or Media Design 10 or teacher permission

Digital Film Making 11

Grades 10, 11, and 12

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Digital Filmmaking 11 serves as an excellent introduction to the world of making movies. Through the completion of film assignments, students will gain skills in visual storytelling, script writing, story boarding, effective camera use, and computer-based audio/video editing. A minimum of four movies will be shot and edited by each student. This course requires self-motivated students with ability to work alone and, more often than not, in groups. Software to be used will include Adobe’s Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop. This course is open to students from grades 10, 11, or 12.

3D Game Design 12

Grades 11 and 12

This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of 3D game design. Utilizing Blender and Unity, students will learn the basic techniques behind designing 3D environments and producing simple gaming structures. The majority of the time in this course will be directed towards the creation a working 3D game. Open to grades 11 & 12. Students should have good logic skills.

Animation 12 (3D)

Grades 11 and 12

This course will take skills and concepts learned in Animation 11 and apply them to the world of 3D Animation. Assignments will introduce students to aspects of wireframe modeling, material/texture creation and usage, character choreography, bone rigging, scene lighting and environment design. Software used will include Blender, Premiere and After Effects.
Foundation: Animation 11 or Media Design 11 or teacher permission

Computer Programming 12

Grades 11 and 12

Programming 12 is a natural extension of the Programming 11 course. We expand and explore programming concepts in a much more subtle and nuanced way. In Programming 11, we build the foundations of programming but in Computer Programming 12, we extend these concepts greatly in order to help students create apps and exciting digital content that speak to personal interests and passions. An effort is made to tailor the course to suit both the interests of the students and support future post-secondary studies. In addition to this, we study emerging fields of technology and work towards more practical applications of our computer skills. We build hardware devices to run some of the software we have written to drive motors, tell the weather and run LED output displays. This course is geared towards students in grade 11 and 12 who have a strong interest in the engineering, computer sciences and tech. ed. fields.
Foundation: Computer Programming 11

Digital Film Making 12

Grades 11 and 12

This course is designed to provide opportunities for the advanced Film Maker to further develop their skills. Students will work on longer films, from a number of different genres, including music video, documentary, experimental, montage and narrative, with an eye towards entering their favorite piece into Student Film Festivals (not mandatory).
Foundation: Digital Film Making 11 or Media Design 11 or teacher permission