Theme Park Project

Click here for the link to the brochure!

For the theme park project, my group did the novel on The Graveyard Book, I was in charge of writing the descriptions for the character interactions as well as writing the description for our Graveyard Dark Ride. When writing the descriptions for the character interactions, I had to creatively use the text of The Graveyard Book novel to come up with three specific character traits each character would display when interacting with park goers. Along with the descriptions came the pictures of the characters. I decided to include the rest of my group in the decision process so everyone could see their vision of these characters being fulfilled. Additionally, I wrote the description for our Graveyard Dark Ride to describe what the riders will experience. Our group specifically tailored our workload to our strengths, so I was fortunately not forced to complete any of the drawings as I am not at all skilled in that way. Lastly, I helped others in my group by proofreading and looking over their content so we can all be confident we were producing the best content possible.