Eminent Work Cited

Works Cited

Gallagher, Jack. Yuna Kim describes lighting Olympic flame as emotional, surreal. 10 February 2018. Website. 22 October 2019. <https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2018/02/10/olympics/winter-olympics/yuna-kim-describes-lighting-olympic-flame-emotional-surreal/#.XeS3q5NKiqA>.

Heo, Jinwoo. Yuna Kim, 24 Hours Wasn’t Enough to Train and Study. 28 June 2007. Website. 10 November 2019. <https://news.joins.com/article/2774992>.

This website shows Yuna Kim’s tight schedule in Toronto, Canada. It shows that she faces many hardships managing studying and training times. The article is very detailed, showing her everyday activities throughout the day. This information contributed to my learning center, which included a timetable of Yuna Kim.

Kim Yuna. 6 July 2012. Website 17 October 2019. <https://www.britannica.com/biography/Kim-Yu-Na>.

Kim, Yuna. Yuna Kim. 2012. 19 Website. October 2019. <http://www.yunakim.com>.

This website is an official site of Yuna Kim. She is well-respected and takes responsibility for the contents.  Yuna Kim posts answers to the comments and questions herself. There is a plethora of information about Yuna Kim. This website informed me of Yuna Kim’s achievements, awards and charity work.

—. Yuna Kim’s Seven Minute Drama. Seoul: JDM, 2010.

This is a book composed by Yuna Kim. Yuna Kim is an amazing writer. She describes her emotions and the things she went through while becoming a figure skater. She mostly filled the book with inspiring, touching poems. I used the book to collect her quotes for my introductory blog post and my learning center.

Lim, Hyung Kyun. Yuna Kim, Back MRI Reveal. 10 April 2007. Website. 30 October 2019. <http://health.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2007/04/10/2007041000804.html>.

Olympics. Yuna Kim. 18 December 2018. Website. 18 October 2019. <https://www.olympic.org/yuna-kim>.

This site summarizes Yuna Kim’s figure skating career, explaining her most important moments in the Olympics. This site clearly defines her accomplishments, such as her 2010 Olympics. I applied information from this website to show the climax of my speech.

Ramirez, Elaine. What Does 13-Year-Old South Korea Skating Champion Young You Want? To Be The Next Yuna Kim. 5 April 2018. Website. 20 October 2019. <https://www.forbes.com/sites/elaineramirez/2018/04/05/young-you-under-30-asia-yuna-kim/#2660ff993006>.

UNICEF. UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Yuna Kim donates prize money to Japan quake survivors. 4 May 2011. Website. 22 October 2019. <https://www.unicef.org/people/repkorea_58428.html>.

Yuna’s Magic, Storms the World. Dir. KBS Documentary. Perf. Yuna Kim. 2007. Video.

This documentary shows Yuna Kim’s struggles and challenges as she rose to the top, such as her unfortunate environment and poverty. This documentary teaches me how Yuna never gives up. The scene when Yuna falls constantly falls and gets back up plays throughout my learning center.