In-Depth Post #5

Hello friends! Welcome to my 5th in-depth blog post. I am going to be talking about a few things today, but mainly my progress, as well as the how to have a beautiful mind chapters.


Progress Report: 

I think I made more progress recently than ever before. I had a call with my mentor on the weekend, and I talked with her about some of the terminology that I was having trouble fully understanding. The two terms that we talked about were objects and methods. I had seen these terms used in my tutorials before, but I didn’t really understand what they meant. And for me its hard to learn things to my full extent when I don’t understand the background behind them. So I asked her about what they were and she gave me an amazing explanation using the example of a birdhouse.

Here is a screenshot of her example: (sorry for the bad quality)

She just described to me what each of the things did, by using the example of what it would do if you were “coding” aka constructing a birdhouse in java.

This is a short voice clip of just some of the things we talk about.

How to have a beautiful mind Dialog


Before the next blog post I would like to work further on a texture pack with a certain theme, then learn how to incorporate it into a simple code sequence, so I could run a command and turn it into that texture pack. I am going to look more at YouTube videos because I found those really helpful.

Thank you for taking a look at my blog post! Have a good day :))

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In-Depth Blog Post #4

Hello friends! Welcome to my 4th in-depth blog post. I am first going to do a quick little progress report, and then I will talk about the chapters of how to have a beautiful mind.


Progress Report

Since my last blog post, I would say that I have greatly progressed in my programming skills. Now that I have learned a variety of skills in JavaScript, I have started to dabble in Java, as that is what Minecraft is coded in. I have now installed Intellij IDEA and I am learning how to navigate around the program. I have now learned how to transfer a mod from Intellij to Minecraft, and have done it with the base of the mod I am making, just to check that it works. Now that I have that working, I am able to get fully started on the mod.

Mentor Update

My mentor has been very busy lately, as she is pregnant and with a toddler already. However since I obviously have been trying not to pressure her, I am asking my dad a lot of questions as well since he is also a programmer, and has been for quite some time (my mentor is actually his employee.) Both my dad and my mentor have been more than helpful and are able to clearly explain things in a way that I can understand.

How to Have a Beautiful Mind

The beautiful mind chapters I focused on this blog post are chapters 6 and 7. These chapters focus on how to listen and how to ask questions.

In relation to these topics, I asked my dad these questions for discussion

“In your current role, how have you noticed that active listening is helpful, and how have you noticed that in-active listening is unhelpful?”

You can check out his answer here


My goals at the moment are just to keep progressing in skills that I am learning in Java language. I would also like to further investigate what really goes into making a mod for Minecraft. This way I can let my brain compute some things and maybe try some very basic modding like making a sword and custom blocks.

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In-Depth Blog Post #3


This is my third blog post talking about my in-depth project.

I have been working hard to learn new skills and continue my journey to programming.


Progress Update

Since my last update, I have learned plenty of new skills and commands on the computer. My mentor has recommended a tutorial I should use, just to learn the basic things. The website is . I recently finished the first chapter of the program, and now I am learning commands like var, const, and let. The thing that is confusing me the most is the math commands. I am just generally not the best at math, but when I am learning it in a way that is also new to my brain, it is even more confusing. Luckily, I can always ask my dad for help if my mentor is not available at that moment.


Mentor Update

My mentor and I have been communicating back and forth either through email or texting. She has been so helpful, and so understanding whenever I have a question. We haven’t had a lot of time to talk, because she is a very busy person. She has a toddler, a dog, and is pregnant. Her husband also works. So we are both working together to make sure she isn’t over working herself, and she won’t be rushed or stressed because of this project. She was so kind to take time out of her busy schedule to help me and I greatly appreciate that.


Some Struggles I Have Had

I have found that coding is somewhat simple, but also very complex. Coding is very step-by-step, especially java, the language I am coding in. I like this because my brain works very step-by-step as well. I have a very hard time understanding things that I don’t know the process of. Some people will be able to know and memorize the solution to something without knowing any of the logic behind it, but I’m not like that. I have to know why something works to fully understand things. I think the hardest thing for me so far is the math portion of coding. There are many commands that have different meanings, but there are a lot of math related ones, and I briefly mentioned it before, but math is not my strong suit, and those commands are very confusing to me.


How To Have A Beautiful Mind

This weeks chapters are discussing ‘how to be interesting, and how to respond.” I tried to incorporate this into our talks by starting off with something that we liked, and why we like that thing. I think this eased up the tension a bit because we both felt more comfortable (not that we weren’t in the first place). We also talked about how Andrea, (my mentor) got into coding, and why she is so passionate about it. When I asked her this she said –

“I like how quickly you can see the results of code you’ve written. Code is very powerful and can do a lot of things and it’s rewarding to see the effects of what you’ve done almost immediately. Other careers are not necessarily like that. For example doctors could spend a lot of time treating patients and it’s not guaranteed to show results and sometimes results take a long time to appear. I also appreciate that on average a career in software is well-paid and has flexible working hours and conditions which is extremely great for raising a family.”

I found this very interesting because I had never thought of it that way before. This is when the next part came into play. I used the strategy of acknowledging how I found it interesting. This was she won’t think that I was just not listening to her, and it will make her feel heard, which I like. Then I was able to branch off into other topics that related to the previous question. I asked a number of ‘what if’ questions that allowed me to learn more in-depth (pun fully intended) about coding.



My goal right now is to learn the rest of chapter 2 in the coding tutorial program and move onto chapter 3. I would also like to try and use my currently mere knowledge and try and experiment and write some very, very simple lines of code. Just so I can get a feel for how everything works.

 I hope you enjoyed reading about my in-depth project so far! Have a good day!







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In-Depth Post #2 – How To Have A Beautiful Mind

During the last couple weeks, I have spent most of my time practicing. I found a tutorial online that many people find helpful, so I tried that out for a while. I have tried to obtain a better understanding of commands and what they do, and I am starting to understand a few certain commands from memory. I am still learning how to put code together, and how it all works when put together, but I think that will be something interesting to find out. We have been constantly communicating and she is super kind and I am so glad that I have such an amazing person to work with for this project. Since she was having some troubles completing her criminal record check, I sent her a few questions so we could still be making progress with the project. When she answered back, she had some great suggestions. This is where I got to apply the skills mentioned in How To Have a Beautiful Life. She suggested that I use some online tutorials, however I had already tried the one she mentioned, so I was not feeling like it would be helpful, because it didn’t help me before. I was able to communicate these feelings in a way that was non-hostile, and understandable. She also remained in a non-angry mood so we were able to resolve this disagreement peacefully and without argument. This I think is an important thing to be able to do because if a mentor and a mentee cannot ‘politely disagree’ on something, it will be a very challenging ask to work together for five months. She suggested that I try a different strategy, but use the same website, and to give it a chance, because a lot of people found it helpful. I have started to do what she said, and I am finding it way more informative than the first time I tried it. I think for me I need to still be able to advocate for myself if I see a problem or I disagree with something, I need to remember that my mentor is a trained professional who does this everyday and has done it everyday for over ten years. Because of that I am very open to what she says and I do agree with a lot of it, even if I don’t fully understand it yet, because that is part of learning new things. And plus, if I act like I already knew everything, there would be nothing to agree or disagree on, and I would just look stupid because she obviously knows more than me. That’s why I think it’s important to know who the professional is in this situation. I think my goal for next week is to spend more time and prioritize it better so I have free time as well as enough to do an appropriate amount of work.

In-Depth 2021- Post #1

This year In-Depth is a bit different because it is entirely virtual. Luckily I have chosen a skill that is actually easier to do virtually. To put it in simple terms, the skill that I have decided to learn about is computer programming. This has always been an interesting subject for me, and for a while I have wanted to learn it. My father has a degree in computer science and currently has a career in that field. When I thought about what skill I could use for my in-depth project, I thought about doing programming, and I remembered that there would be many benefits to choosing it, because I have many people that would be able to mentor me. I thought about it a little more and decided that I liked the idea. My end goal is to code a usable plugin (modification) to Minecraft.

My mentor is a colleague of my father. She has been a family-friend for a long time, and she has a degree in computer science as well! I have talked to her many times over the years and we seem to get along well so hopefully it will work the same over the course of this project.

I think the first step will be to discuss everything with my mentor and make sure we are on the same page. After that I will need to learn the basics of java (a coding language) and start to experiment on how it works. I will of course be recording everything down as I go in a journal specifically for the In-Depth project. I’m going to try my best to stay organised as I go because that makes everything easier. I am planning to meet with my mentor at least 3 times a month, and on days where we aren’t meeting, I will be practicing the material that we went over in the previous meeting.

I am really looking forward to this project! I hope it goes as planned.

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Eminent Learning Centre

Hi! Welcome to my eminent learning centre. Things are very different this year, but I think this project gave me a good chance to learn some new ways of presenting. And it taught me a lot! Hopefully it will teach you a little as well.

There will be little buttons you can press to take you to the different sections of the learning centre. (p.s. this works much better on a computer rather than a phone) (p.p.s. the link cannot be clicked, just copy and paste)

I hope you enjoy!


Core Competency Questions

  1. During Quarter 1, what went well for you? Examples: being back in the classroom, having only two courses, seeing my friends, keeping up with homework, playing volleyball, improving math, helping plan a virtual assembly, becoming more fit.
In quarter one, I really enjoyed being back in the classroom. It was nice to have a learning group that I could get close with, because it’s hard to hang out with people during COVID. I also really appreciated how my teacher kept the activities fun for us, because I understand that it was very challenging.





  1. During Quarter 1, what did you find challenging or disappointing or stressful? Explain.
I personally found the workload very stressful. We had to learn everything in only a few days, so it was very fast paced. I came from a middle school where I wasn’t very challenged, so it was definitely a big jump.





  1. Think of ONE thing you really want to improve in Quarter 2 (and Q 3&4). Examples: a school subject, a sport, time spent on homework/studying, playing a musical instrument, leadership skills, a language, photography, a relationship, general fitness.
I really would like to work on my work ethic for next quarter, and my procrastination. I think doing so would help me to focus better, and get more work done. I would also do my work more adequately, and then I would get better grades.





  1. What are two specific actions that you can start doing every day to get closer to your goal? How long will you spend on this action each day? What part of the day?
a)       I can try to start my work as soon as I get the chance, so I won’t get distracted by things, and I will hopefully get it done faster. I think I should try and do an hour of solid work a day.



b)      I will try to start playing music to improve my memory, so I can do better on memorization. I can spend 30-60 minutes a day playing piano or guitar, but not too late at night because I will get too tired to do anything.




  1. If you experience challenges, what might you do to work through them? Examples: ask help from a friend or parent; break the task into smaller chunks; “google” how other people may deal with similar problems.
If I come across a challenge, I will most likely ask my parents for help, so they can give me some pointers. If my parents aren’t available, I will ask my classmates or go onto something like khan academy or YouTube to look up a video on what I am confused about.








REAL Success

Session 1:

R– Relationships

“Love and accept yourself.”

What this means:

I think this phrase is quite important to know and learn. It means you need to remember your worth, and you need to accept yourself for who you are, and don’t be mad at it. Don’t try to change, don’t try to be someone else, get comfortable with yourself. This phrase is also a reminder that you need to be kind to yourself in order to succeed. For instance, if you are trying to accomplish something, whatever it is, you absolutely need to be nice to yourself. Don’t let the negative thoughts get to you, because if you do, they will try to tear you down. The thoughts will tell you that you aren’t capable of such things, and that you should just quit because it is getting hard. You need to take those thoughts and reverse them; Tell yourself the opposite of what those negative thoughts are saying. ‘I can do this, I am capable, I have to keep going.’ This mindset will bend you in the right direction and will make it much easier for you to get through the tough times. This quote is also a great reminder you not to be hard on yourself, and to try to believe that you’ll get through it. You need to be kind to yourself and know that everyone has struggles, and the best way to get through them is by believing in yourself. Overall, I think the most important thing that this quote is saying, is don’t be afraid to be yourself.

Why I chose this:

I picked this quote because it relates a lot to my personal experiences. For as long as I can remember, I have always been very hard on myself whenever I’m doing something that I don’t understand, or that’s hard for me to do. The fact that I do this, makes it extremely difficult to finish any task successfully. There is always that little voice in my head asking why I do not know how to do it. I know first-hand what it’s like when you don’t believe in yourself, and that’s one of the reasons I want to get better at loving and accepting myself. This is a goal of mine because I feel like it is something that will actually help me a lot later in life. Once I get better at accepting myself, I can teach others so they can learn how to do it. I can teach them how important it is to love and accept themselves. It makes me happy to know that one day I can teach people the same thing I’m learning right now.

How I can apply this into future leadership activities:

The first thing I need to do to incorporate this into my life is being willing to do so. Then I should make sure I am staying persistent through the process, because this is not an easy goal to accomplish, and it will be a lot harder if I am not motivated. I think there are also some things I can do that involve a journal. When I do something and I get negative thoughts, I can write them down on a piece of paper and then cross them out and/or tear them up. This is a method I’ve used before to get a visual representation of getting rid of things that are in your head. I think it would be a good method to use in this particular situation, because it can help me be more optimistic. All of the times I have used this method, it has worked, but that isn’t a guarantee that it will always work. So if it doesn’t end up working, I can just resort back to keeping a growth mindset and staying positive. I also think that when you are first trying to incorporate something into your life, one of the most important things is to know is that things can’t happen over night, and they take time. They will most likely be challenging, but if you take your time, and be nice to yourself, it has a good chance of working.

Section 2:

E- Equipping

“The law of significance – One is too small a number to achieve greatness”

What this means:

This quote is basically saying that if you want to be great, you cannot do it alone. Thinking about so many of the greatest inventions in the world, a lot of them were invented by teams of people, not just one. If a singular person tries to do something by themselves, sure it may work, but the majority of the time it is more than one person. When a whole group of people work together on something, it will not necessarily make the process quicker, but it will probably make the process easier, because people can communicate their ideas, and they can work all together and incorporate their collaborative ideas into whatever they are trying to accomplish. When people think about working together, they mostly think about how some people are hard to get along with, or they don’t like working in groups. That ties into a lot of the other rules about working with others, because when you find your successful team where everyone works well together, they can accomplish so many incredible things. An example of this is Galileo and the invention of the telescope. He is often credited to the invention of the telescope, however he just built off the studies of a man named Hans Lippershay. At the time, Hans had been experimenting with the magnifying properties of glass for a while. When Galileo heard about this, he made improvements to the existing models, and he “invented” the telescope. Without Hans, Galileo may not have invented what is now such a useful tool.

Why I chose this:

I chose this because I really like the notion of it. Even though that sounds very general, I really do think that a lot of people do not realize how many things are made by a group of people, rather than just the one person who is credited. Even if technically there was only one person who gathered all the information together, or built off the info that was already there, there was still a group of people responsible for what lead up to that success. I can relate this to my personal life because I am very good at giving people the credit that they deserve, because I know what it feels like to not get credit for something that you worked hard on. I also think that it is very useful for me to work in groups, because everyone can collaborate ideas, and make a more in-depth, and interesting result. I like to be able to talk to others when I am curious, or I don’t know how something works rather than just silently wondering to myself what I need to do. It is especially helpful to work with others because you can learn how other people think, and how you can accommodate their needs, and vice versa. That is why I like to work with others rather than myself.

How I can apply this into future leadership activities:

I think that whenever I am organizing an event or lesson, I will try to make sure that people are working in groups. Reminding people of what they can do to help and/or encourage others. If people are not working well together because they are new to meeting each other, maybe a good idea would be to do some team-building activities or games. This way people can become more comfortable with each other and they can work better as a team. Another thing I could do to incorporate this is to let others share their ideas with the other people in the group, and everyone can build off of them to make a final result. That final result will have been contributed to by everyone, and then everyone can get credit. This way everyone will feel like they got what they deserved.


Session 3

A – attitude

“Our attitude determines our approach to life”

What this means:

This quote means that however your attitude is, it will affect your life. Whether it is negative or positive, your attitude will determine. As an example, if someone wakes up in the morning and says, “This is a good day and I’m going to do great things today!”, then they will most likely have a good day. However if someone wakes up in the morning and says “Today is going so badly, I just want it to be tomorrow already!”, then they have that negative attitude which is making them have a bad day. When you listen to the positive thoughts in your head about how you’re going to have a good day, then you can push away the negative things that happen in that day. However if you listen to the negative thoughts only, it will make you think that everything is going wrong and making your bad day worse. For instance you could stub your toe and think “Ow that hurt, but it’s ok because it will feel better soon.”, or you could think “OW! Of course I stubbed my toe, everything is going horribly wrong today!”. There is a very big difference between those two statements, because one of them is saying that yes it hurt, but it’s not the end of the world, and it will feel better soon. The other one is taking a more negative side to things and saying that of course it would happen today, because today is becoming more and more of a terrible day. The second statement will cause your brain to think that that is true, even if its not, and will put you in that bad mindset and you will have a bad day.

Why I chose this:

I chose this because I think a lot of people do not realize how much their attitude can affect their daily life. For me personally this has happened a lot, and I know its true. We had a quote in my old school, saying “choose your attitude”, and even though I don’t entirely agree with it, I think it is a very important thing to teach young kids who are easily upset and frustrated. I tried my best to follow that rule/principle all throughout my time at that school, and I know that it works. I would come to school just having a horrible day, and I was telling myself that it was going to be a bad day, because it started off bad. Every single time, I would sit in class, and my classmates were having so much fun, that I changed my mentality, and thought “you know what? I’m actually going to have a good day instead.” And then my whole day got better. It sounds like something cheesy, but truly, whatever you tell your brain, is what your brain will believe. This makes it easy to make yourself believe things that aren’t even true. That’s why we have to be especially careful of what we tell our brain, because we will take it seriously, and then think that whatever it was, was true. That is the biggest reason I chose it, because I’ve been educated on it, so I know what it can do to you.





How I can apply this into future leadership activities:

We already do it a lot but I think when I am organizing an event, or even just attending one, I like to make sure people are being positive. To each other and yourself. A lot of people say “oh, well I’m so kind to others. But-“then they go on and say that no one is kind to them. In some cases, it could be true, no one is kind to them even though they are very kind to others. Normally that is not the case though. Relating back to what I said before, when you are in a bad mood, everything seems way worse than it is. So if you aren’t being nice to yourself and causing yourself to be in a bad mood, then you will nitpick every time someone isn’t nice to you, and chalk it all up to the conclusion that no one likes you or no one is being nice to you. That is why it is very important when you’re in a group, that you uplift others, and encourage them to have a positive outlook on life, especially if they aren’t having a good day. Because bad days happen a lot, but you need to make sure it isn’t defining you, by making the whole week bad. Something I like to do when others are feeling down, is to try and cheer them up. Then they will have that encouragement, and hopefully it will make them feel a bit better.


Session 4:

L- Leadership

“Model the way”

What this means:

This principle is saying that you can show others the way to do something. You can show them what is the best way that works for you, and then help them figure out if that is the best way for them as well. If you think about it, this is kind of like visual learning. If you see someone doing something, it is easier for you to understand, rather than just being told with no demonstration. So if something needs to be done and you are working with someone who doesn’t know what to do or how to do it, don’t just tell them “this needs to be done in this order, this way.. etc.” you need to show them how it’s done, so they aren’t worried about doing it wrong. This kind of relates back to equipping, you need to equip them with the information they need. You need to physically show them, because that is the clearest way to see how something is done. Some people actually do learn just via instructions, so if they do then that’s great! But many people don’t learn like that, but they will be too confused and nervous to say anything, so they will just painstakingly try and remember the instructions that they were given, and they will probably end up unintentionally messing something up which could, in turn, mess a lot of other things up. This is why the best way to show someone how to do something is to model it for them, give them and in real life example of what they should do.






Why I chose this:

I chose this because I love showing people how to do things. I think it’s really nice to be able to help people, even when they can’ ask because they are too shy. I personally don’t like to ask for help from people I don’t know, because I get too shy. So, I like to think that when I am helping others by modeling the way, they might be too shy as well. If that is the case and they were too shy, then I was just able to help them without making them scared. I think that is something I really like to do. I also think that it takes courage to be able to show someone how to do something if you are unsure of it yourself, but then you can both work together and figure it out. You can ask each other questions if you are confused, and you can communicate with them to work out what you think is right. This principle relates to a lot of real-life experiences, and one of those is babysitting/taking care of children. Many people use the term ‘be a good role-model’. This is basically the same principle as the one listed above. It does not only need to be a task that is being demonstrated, it can also be an attitude or a behaviour, so with things like child-care, you need to model kind behaviour, and a nice attitude. That is the same kind of thing applies to modelling tasks.

How I can apply this to future leadership activities:

Something that I think I will do for future leadership events/activities is trying to make sure no one is being excluded, and everyone is helping each other out in any way they can. That way, everyone will feel comfortable and be able to do good work without struggling and getting upset. Personally, I find that when other people put effort into being kind to me and not being intimidating and uptight, I feel so much more comfortable around them. When I feel more comfortable around people, I can make better decisions and I can work more easily. I think a lot of other people are like that, and that’s why when they come into a new class, they are very shy, and they are scared to ask for help. I would love to be the person who makes others feel welcome, especially in a new environment with new people. So in future events I could ask everyone very gently if they are feeling comfortable or if they’re shy, or scared. Then if they feel okay answering and their answer is that they’re uncomfortable and they are scared in this environment we can try to accommodate to that because it is very important to me that everyone around me is content, because if we’re being honest, it is one of the worst feelings ever when you feel upset by something but you don’t have the courage to tell anyone. Once I have learned and mastered this strength, I can teach others and we can create a very hospitable environment all together so everyone’s happy.

My Ecological Footprint

My ecological footprint in comparison to others:

My footprint: 5.96

Kalayla’s footprint: 8.59

Anita’s footprint: 9.15

Xylia’s footprint: 11.05

10 actions that are increasing my footprint:

  1. I take too long in the shower
  2. I sometimes forget to turn off the lights when I leave a room
  3. I more often than not drive to school rather than walking or biking
  4. I don’t usually eat certified organic foods
  5. I get more brand new clothing than I get second-hand clothing
  6. Sometimes I get snacks that are individually packaged
  7. Sometimes I use single use plastic or packaging like straws, bags, and pens
  8. I get full and can’t finish my meal so it gets wasted
  9. I sometimes take baths instead of showers
  10. I don’t wear a lot of the clothes I have on a daily/weekly basis

Five actions to reduce my footprint:

  1. Trying to walk or bus to school instead of driving.
  2. Making sure that I don’t clothes that I won’t wear.
  3. Getting more thrifted, second-hand, or hand-me-downs instead of buying them new.
  4. Putting on a sweater instead of turning up the heat when it gets cold.
  5. taking shorter showers.

How I can achieve these goals:

  1. For goal number one I can try to leave a bit earlier to get to school by walking, or we can take the electric car instead of the gasoline one. I can also bus if I have to, but I need to make sure i always have my bus pass.
  2. To achieve this goal number two, I just need to really think before I buy anything. I need to ask myself if I really need this? Am I actually going to wear it more than once?
  3. Goal number three may be a bit harder at the moment because a lot of thrift stores are closed/restricted right now, and when they are open they are very crowded which makes it hard to maintain social distancing. However, I could possibly use some hand me downs from older friends or family.
  4. This goal I think is the easiest to achieve, because all I really need to do is go get a sweater for when it gets cold. If I wanted to make it even easier for myself I could even lay out a designated sweater or hoodie to use when it gets cold, just so I don’t forget.
  5.  I think goal number five is the hardest because it takes me a long time to wash my hair, so it is hard to reduce that time. What I think I could do is to turn off the water when I’m not using it, so I’m not using as much even if I take a long time.

Some changes I made (easy and hard):

Most of the changes that I made were easy to do, so I didn’t really have much trouble with them. However I did have a problem with a few. It turns out it was very challenging to try and walk to school because I have a sibling that goes to the school, and I had to make sure that I was accommodating her needs as well as my own. For example, I would try to walk to school, and she would be late or vice versa, one of us had an injury, it was bad weather, we had too much extra stuff to carry. Whatever it was, there was usually some sort of cause. When this happened I just had the idea of taking the electric car, because it is better for the environment. This is what I ended up doing most days.

Obstacles I faced: 

There was only one big obstacle that I faced, and it was the fact that I have a lot of people in my family, so there were a lot of disagreements, and needs. For instance, sometimes my younger siblings would have the electric car and we couldn’t walk so we had to take the gas car. Or when I tried to not turn up the heating, but it ended up getting turned up anyway because everyone else was too cold as well. We mostly managed to agree though.

Steps I plan to take in the future:

I think the most major thing that I can do in the future is to be more  generally aware of the things I’m doing. I can be more aware of what I’m buying, eating, using, etc. I think this will help remind myself to be more conscious about these things, and to remind myself to try and keep my ecological footprint as low as possible.




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