Eminent Learning Centre 2020


Welcome to my Learning Centre. If you click the link below, it will take you to my Learning Centre. My chosen eminent person is Sarah Wells. I hope you learn something new and she inspires you as much as she inspires me!

Sarah Wells Learning Centre.pptx


  1. snishimura

    What a great choice for an eminent person. Sarah is one of my favourite people! Have you seen her speak live, in person?

    Susan Nishimura

  2. qmtk

    Informative and creative presentation. I like how your presentation focuses on her character and personality traits. It sounds like the The Believe Initiative could not have come at a better time. If you had to pick one trait as being the most instrumental in contributing to her success, which one would it be and why?

    • Makenna

      Great question! If I had to chose one of Sarah’s traits that have contributed the most to her success, it would be her resilience. Sarah has faced many obstacles in her career and she could have easily given up, but she did not. She stayed resilient and persisted. I believe that has played a key role in her success and the reason she is where she is today.

  3. Joanne

    Hi Makenna! Thank was very good! I liked how you organized the words and the pictures. I think Sarah is very cool, you too!

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