In-depth 2022 Post #4

Reflection Questions for post #4 (week seven) : 

Where I am today

We have been working on Balls with Weight and we are close to being finished. We are going to try combine out Pendulum project which I talked about in the blog post 3# and the Balls with Weight. Combining these two we will make a Ball with Tail. Ill be animating the ball jumping and the tail following the path. This will be the last project in the In-depth project.

>MarkI_Stage1_Balls with weight_v4.mp4<

  1. What has been my most difficult mentoring challenge so far?  Why?
    The most difficult mentoring challenge so far has been the amount of time spent on each product. This is because most projects would take up 2-3 weeks. These projects usually take a week for the first version and we’d go over the animation in sync sketch. Following this we would typically meet on Tuesdays for a extra revision or our regularly scheduled Friday meetings.
    We were planning to be more ahead but with the pace and the complexity of the software we are quite behind.
  2. What is working well? Why?
    Something that worked well was the learning during the meetings. I would find some issue or question during the week of animating and I would ask my mentor for what should be done.
  3. What could be working better?  How can you make sure this happens?
    Something that could be working better is to keep the movement linear and to keep the fight of the ball straight.
    I could make this happen by going over this in our next meeting and see if there is anything that could be done to improve it.  

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