Jang Yeong-Sil: Learning Centre

Jang Yeong-Sil:

Learning Centre

By Matthew Jang

Welcome everyone to my learning centre! This year for my Eminent Person Project, I decided to choose Jang Yeong-Sil. To show my learning over the course of the last two months, I have compiled a short book with facts about my eminent person. I hope you enjoy your read, and feel free to leave a comment or question down in the comment section below. Please use the full size option when reading the book for a better experience.

10 thoughts on “Jang Yeong-Sil: Learning Centre

  1. Learning about Jang Yeong-si was interesting! His discoveries were amazing, and you did a great job highlighting them. The way you made the learning center into a magazine/booklet was super unique and interesting. What do you think Jang Yeong-si would think of the modern water-gauge?

    • Hi Ellie,
      Thanks for the comment! I think that Jang Yeong-Sil would be very excited if he were still alive to see the advances in science. I think he would take it upon himself to learn how the modern water-gauge works and see how it has improved on his original design. (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to improve the modern-day’s water gauge either.)

  2. Hi Matthew,
    I really enjoyed learning about Jang Yeong-Sil! I really liked how you highlighted his achievements and eminence. I personally like how your learning center was a booklet/magazine.
    Do you think Jang Yeong-Sil will try to improve the modern-day inventions we have now?

    • Hi Claire,
      Thanks for the comment. I tried designing my book based off of how books looked back in Joseon during Jang Yeong-Sil’s lifetime, so I’m glad that it turned out well.
      For your question, yes I do think that he would try to improve modern-day inventions. As much as he was talented at making things, he liked to make things and tinker around with them. I think that if Jang Yeong-Sil were to somehow come into the modern-world, it would be a field day for him. Jang Yeong-Sil always looked to improve even his own inventions, so I have no doubt he would try to improve modern designs.

  3. Hi Mathew
    I really like the learning centre, and Jang Yeong-Sil’s backstory of rising the ranks as a peasant is impressive. I also really liked how you made not of how his inventions helped begin the technological shift from submitting to nature to controlling it. What is your favorite invention of his, and why?

    • Hi Ben,
      Thanks for the comment. If I had to choose just one or two, I would probably go with either the Cheugugi or the Jagyeongnu. The Cheugugi because it’s the first standardized rain gauge, and a true model of it is so hard to come across now. The Jagyeongnu because of its complexity and aesthetic design.

  4. Wow! This is an incredibly insightful and thorough explanation of the eminence of a man who was clearly very, very admirable. The detail with which you spoke about his legacy and your use of images and examples to talk about his discoveries really helped me understand just how brilliant he was. You mentioned a lot of different things the audience can learn from him, but which one means the most to you personally?

    • Hi Bana,
      Thanks for the comment!
      I think what stuck with me the most while learning about Jang Yeong-Sil was the attitude he had for his work. It was inspiring to learn that such an accomplished, gifted individual would never let go of the basics and treat his work as if he felt a new thrill every time he took on a project. I felt that it’s something I can definitely learn from and strive to do myself.

  5. Great work Matthew! This is a wonderful learning centre! I was interesting in Jang Yeong-Sil’s devotion to measuring time. It seemed that many of his inventions were about measuring the passage of time or the movement of the Earth in some way. Did you come across anything specific in your research that would explain this? Was it tied to his view of the heavens? Was it something else?

    • Hi Ms. Wasstrom,
      Thank you for the comment!
      I completely forgot to mention it in my learning centre, but the reason timekeeping and measuring the movement of astronomical bodies was so important was mainly due to agriculture. Back in Jang Yeong-Sil’s time agriculture was a massive part of society, so being able to predict changes in the season or measure the amount of rainfall was just as valuable. Being able to accurately predict seasons of drought or heavy rainfall would allow the crops and livestock to be less effected by such natural events. Religion and politics also played a big part in the focus on timekeeping and astronomical instruments. In terms of religion, it was the Neo-Confucian view that was widespread in Asia at the time that kings should provide his people with information on time and heavenly bodies. As for politics, it was believed that whoever could read the heavenly movements had access to great power. (Sort of like the race to land a human on the moon.) So rather than due to Jang Yeong-Sil’s views, it had more to do with the king’s responsibilities and the help it provided for farmers.

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