10 thoughts on “TALONS Talk

  1. Hello Matthew. I really enjoyed your TALON Talk. I particularly liked the way you sectioned your talk using heading slides. The sections were logically ordered, with each new section building off of the previous, making the presentation easy to follow and understand.
    One piece of advice I have is to use animations to add visual interest and keep the listener engaged. Animations can also act as visual aids, helping explain topics.
    My question for you is, how would cool roofing be implemented into already densely populated areas? Would previously existing roofs need to be renovated, and would this be a sustainable and cost-effective solution?

    • Hi Mahtab,
      Thanks for the comment! For your first question, while cool roofing is a common practice in some parts of the world, in densely populated areas like cities, it’ll definitely be harder to implement. There are struggles currently with implementing cool roofing in parts of America because of the need for approval from governments (mostly local). Also, while techniques like cool roofing might be suggested, it will probably come down to the individual to implement such techniques. It must be also noted that depending on the climate you are living in, cool roofing can actually cause more energy consumption. (If you cool roof in a colder climate, you would probably have to use more energy for heating in the winter.)
      As for your second question, there are certain materials that are definitely more suitable for cool roofing than others. Metal cool roofing is a popular option from what I’ve researched. Materials like glass definitely wouldn’t be as effective at receiving a coating of paint. However, glass does reflect a portion of solar radiation too. So in short, it really is a case by case scenario. In terms of sustainability, cool roofing is theoretically very sustainable – especially in the long-term. Not to mention that Purdue University researched for several years on different materials to find sustainable and cost-effective materials for their paint. So the paint itself isn’t very expensive, but the problem very might be after applying the base coat of paint. That’s because there are issues with cool roofing like condensation under the paint and the painted surface needing to be clean to be fully effective. Such maintenance efforts will cause the price of cool roofing to be more expensive. However, cool roofing in general is one of the most cost-effective solutions in the right conditions.

  2. Hi Mathew, I really enjoyed your presentation. Your slides very very clear and easy to follow. I thought you did a great job at speaking clearly and keeping the audience engaged. One thing I am wondering is how well this new white paint will be received by the public. Even though it is so beneficial to stopping climate change, I would imagine that some people would object to their properties undergoing this change, and I am sure that paint companies will not like it when customers find out that there are new more sustainable options. How will the new paint be marketed and sold to encourage people to help fuel this movement?

    • Hi Anthony,
      Thanks for the comment!
      You bring up a good point about the general perception of this new paint and whether people will be open to painting their properties at all. I’m sure that there will be some people who support the idea and other people who are hesitant or don’t want to paint their roof or walls. I also doubt that there will be any laws that make cool roofing mandatory in any state or province. So it really is up to the individual to choose what they want to do.
      As for other companies, the paint developed by Purdue University isn’t the first intended for the use of high-reflectivity and cooling purposes. There are other companies out there that are also “competing” in a way to create the whitest white paint. Around November of 2021, British artist Stuart Semple introduced a white paint that reflects 99.6% of visible light. That makes Semple’s paint that best in terms of reflecting only visible light. Also, this new paint has a specific purpose, and the main priority is for environmental reasons. As such, I doubt companies that focus on making different shades of white paint for art-specific reasons will feel too bad about it.
      Finally, for the marketing of the paint, Purdue University’s paint is set to be on the market for public sale in a few years. Currently they are in the phase of patenting the paint mixture. Purdue University is also working with large a corporation so that they can properly market the paint and commercialize the product to the public.

  3. I thought you did a sublime job of fully answering your question. The design of your presentation was pleasant to look at, and I learned a lot about the effects of paints. When I was observing your presentation, I had to click on each audio queue to listen for your recordings. Maybe next time, try to have the slides play each recording without having the viewer interact with it directly. One thing I was wondering about was, what led you to research this question? Do you have any personal insight into the scientific research of white paints, or do you find this subject interesting?

    • Hi Noah,
      Thanks for the comment! I’ll keep your advice in mind for next time.
      To answer your question, I have been interested in architecture and climate change for a few years now. As a result, I briefly saw about painting buildings/roads white prior to the project. That’s why I chose to dive deeper into the topic for my TALONS Talk. As for the paint, I was only used to using paint for art, so finding out about the uses white paint could have in the fight against global warming was interesting.

  4. This was great to listen to! I enjoyed the design, it was a good mix of simplicity with interest-grabbing designs. I also enjoyed how your topic seems like something that people wouldn’t think of, but it actually has an importance. One thing I would recommend having the audio on slide 11 split into 2 different slides and different audio files, which may help spread things out. One question I have is about the chemicals used in “the whitest white paint.” Do you have any clues as to what chemicals made it even whiter than normal paint?

    • Hi Raghav,
      Thanks for the comment! The main chemical that makes the “whitest white paint” whiter than normal paint is barium sulfate (BaSO4). Barium sulfate is a chemical compound that has been used in cosmetics and whitening photographic paper for some time now. This is because BaSO4 is very reflective, and a rather soft chemical compound. BaSO4 is also nontoxic to humans, and is commonly ingested when taking X-rays when scanning softer organs like the bowels to make them opaque in scans. Purdue University’s paint also uses different sized-particles of BaSO4 in their paint. What this essentially does is the particles layer on each other, and because there are different sized-particles of BaSO4, there is a huge area for light to bounce off of. That is what makes the paint so much more reflective and whiter, the use of high concentrations of BaSO4 and the use of different sized BaSO4 particles.

  5. Hi Matthew! This was really fascinating as it’s a simple way of combating climate change. I found the presentation really easy to understand as you explain the effects of using white paint, and in turn, their effects. You briefly mentioned how the white paint could potentially be used in refrigerators. What other technologies could the white paint also be used in to combat climate change?

  6. Well done Matthew,
    I liked listening to your Talon talk. I quite liked how you used the slides to support your presentation while not having them effectively replace the speech. A question I have is if the white paint could have long-term negative effects on eyes and skin due to reflecting ultraviolet radiation?

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