TALONS Digital Literacy Post #3 – Eminent Speech

In English, we had a big project called eminent. We had to research one influential figure that benefited the world positively. The person I chose for this project was Terry Fox. In addition to our research, we also had to present a speech from the perspective of an inanimate object or another person. I chose to create a speech from the perspective of Terry Fox’s artificial leg. Here is a copy of my speech: Eminent Speech



I critically assess research sources for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose. (9)

For this assignment, I used my research skills to find various sources for my research and to create a bibliography. I assessed each source that I found critically by checking for the date published, reading about the author’s background, as well as looking into the purpose of the source. I used reliable, purposeful sources such as the official terry fox foundation website.


I attribute credit to ideas that are not my own by preparing a Bibliography/Works Cited and by using in-text citations. (13)

For this project, I properly cited all of the sources that I used in MLA format. All of the sources are alphabetized. Eminent Grade 9 Works Cited


My work demonstrates a positive, productive, and empathetic worldview. (15)

While I worked on this project, I was inspired by Terry Fox’s determination. My final speech emphasizes Terry Fox’s Determination and demonstrates the power of perseverance. My speech was inspiring, encouraging others to never give up and highlighting the power of teamwork. These ideas represented in my speech demonstrate a positive and empathetic worldview.


TALONS Digital Literacy Post #2 – Midsummer Night’s Dream Character Analysis

In English, we had a unit focusing on William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. After completing the book, we worked on a written analysis of one character from the play. We had to work together in groups of four. The character from the play that we analyzed was Oberon. We had to write literary paragraphs about his wants, fears, defining characteristics, and conflicts.

Midsummer Night’s Dream Character Analysis

An illustration of Oberon from William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream that I created digitally.



I used digital spaces to plan and execute collaborative projects with my peers. (1)

For this group project, my group and I did the majority of our work on a shared word document. We communicated online to discuss and set timelines, as well as provide feedback to each other.


I enhance the impact of my research or presentation through the creative use of technology. (5)

I decided to create the illustration of Oberon digitally. I wanted to create a unique illustration that represents Oberon’s character. I used computer software to add meaning depth to my drawing.


I challenged myself to increase my technological literacy by working with apps, software, and mediums that I was not familiar with in the past. (8)

I created the illustration for the project using PaintToolSAI and Photoshop CS6. I was unfamiliar with digital art and using PaintToolSAI, but I challenged myself to learn something new and I learned a lot through this experience. Click here for the illustration(PSD document).



TALONS Digital Literacy #1 – Electrical Appliance Project

In Science, we learned about different types of electrical circuits. To expand our learning, we did a research-based project on a common household electrical appliance. We had to take notes, write a summary, provide illustrations and diagrams, and write a conclusion to summarize our learning. We would then present our research in small groups. I chose to do my research on the washing machine. From this project, I expanded my scientific thinking into our everyday lives and learned that common appliances such as washing machines are much more complex than they appear.


Washing Machine Research Project



I respond to the work or ideas of my peers in a way that is compassionate and productive. (3)

When my peers asked questions about my topic in my group, I tried to answer the questions to the best of my possibility. I also increased productivity by asking my peers when they were presenting. In addition, I also gave my peers encouraging feedback on their presentations.


I go beyond google and use databases to find scholarly research sources. (11)

Instead of just googling, I used databases provided by the Gleneagle Library Website to find resources. In addition, I also used reliable videos on Youtube to gain additional information about how washing machines function.


In-Depth Post #4

It has been a while since my last In-Depth Post. Over the past month, I have worked on 3 different projects in Unity and I am continuing to make very good progress with my learning.


Before spring break, I made my first 3D game with Unity. I created a simple 3D roll-a-ball game in Unity by following a tutorial series on Youtube. This project gave me a better understanding of the Unity 3D physics system, as well as helped me become more familiar with the Unity interface. This game implements many basic concepts such as RigidBody and UI. I also practiced my programming skills and learned new concepts such as GetComponent(). Although I had some difficulty understanding some concepts such as UI, I overcame the struggle by doing some research on the topic. This was a simple and interesting project to work on. Below is the game:

I also created another game in 3D that I named Drift. While working on this game, I learned about saving mechanisms as well as managing audio. In addition, I also got more practice with working in 3D and programming various scripts. Below is the game:

After showing my game to Mr. Linburg, the game design teacher, we made a detailed plan for my learning during spring break and beyond. We decided that I would add more components to my roll-a-ball game, as well as work on more projects to practice my coding and to become more familiar with using Unity.


Over the break, I added a few new components to the roll-a-ball game and began to work on a 2D dungeon gunner game.

Applying what I learned, I added a few ramps, a second level, and a door that lets the player through after completing the first level. As I gain more knowledge about working in 3D in Unity, I will add more components to this game.

A screenshot from the project that I am currently working on.


I also expanded my Unity skills by working on a 2D game. Following a tutorial series, I created a simple dungeon-gunner game with 2 levels. I learned to manipulate cameras to create a mini-map, use prefabs and randomness to create random level generation, and other important skills. I am currently still working on this game and implementing new components such as boss fights, and character selection. I learned that working with 2D is very different compared to 3D. However, there are still a lot of similarities between them.


1. What has been my most difficult mentoring challenge so far? Why?

The most difficult challenge so far is communicating frequently with my mentor. I have not contacted Mr. Linburg for 2 weeks. Communicating has been for me as I have not found a good opportunity to talk with my mentor. From our last meeting, we created a plan for my learning for the next month. I am working on many projects, and I could not find a good time to communicate with my mentor.

2. What is working well? Why?

One thing that is working really well is my learning speed. All of my learning is done online, through watching videos or reading articles. This is very convenient for me, as I have had a lot of time to learn at home over the past few weeks. My progress has never been quicker before.

3. What could be working better? How can you make sure this happens?

Something that could be working better is communicating more frequently with my mentor. Over the break, I have not contacted Mr. Linburg. I felt that there was no good opportunity, as I was not finished with my projects. I can communicate with him more often so he can keep track of my progress and provide support as I work on a project. I will make sure this happens by setting a meeting scheduled with Mr. Linburg, so we can keep the meetings consistent. I will communicate via email and I will be updating him with my progress this week.


Overall, over the past month, I made a lot of progress. I am proud of the games that I have created so far, and am driven to continue learning about game development. Over the next month, I plan on taking a course about scripting and learning how to implement assets that I have created in Blender into my final large game in Unity and I am excited to see how the game turns out!

It is a difficult time right now, and I hope everybody else is doing well.


In-Depth Post #3

My progress has been going well so far. Over the past few weeks, I created more and more advanced renders using Blender, an app that is used for creating 3D assets. I have further added complexity and depth to my donut render. I learned how to use particles to create the sprinkles on top of the donut, as well as added varied color and texture to the bread. Also, I added minor tweaks to the render such as adjusting the lighting. I also created another low-poly artwork, a simple grass plains with a river and a few trees. Below is the final result of the donut and the low-poly scene that I created.

This donut has much more detail than the previous one I created.


A simple poly-scene that I created to become more familiar with low-poly artwork.


I have met up with my mentor, Mr. Linburg, once again to discuss my progress and plan out what I should be learning for the next few weeks. I showed Mr. Linburg the images that I had created in Blender, and we decided to move on to the next stage of making a video game. For the next few weeks, I will be making game assets in Blender to import into Unity and use it in my game. Game assets are objects that can be added to a game. Right now, I am working on creating a treasure chest game asset in Blender. I will also create some other game assets, such as trees or rocks.

Since Mr. Linburg is a teacher in the school, we can communicate easily and create flexible meeting schedules. At the end of each meeting, we decide together when our next meeting should be.



  • What went particularly well during your mentoring sessions?

I believe my planning with my mentor has gone well. I was able to discuss my ideas and my goals with my mentor and we were able to create an organized plan for the upcoming weeks. I showed Mr. Linburg the projects that I have been working on, and we agreed that I should move on to the next step, creating Blender assets and importing them into Unity. Effective planning allows both of us to stay on the same page with my learning progress.

  • What three strategies could improve the quality of your mentoring interactions?

One other strategy I could improve on is preparation. Last time I met with Mr. Linburg, we went over the project that I was working on. However, I did not send the blender projects to Mr. Linburg in advance. This resulted in me spending time to send the blender files during my meeting with my mentor. I want to become more prepared so I can maximize the effectiveness of my meetings with my mentor.

Another strategy that I want to improve on is asking more questions I have on my mind when I meet with my mentor. This will help me with my learning and help my mentor understand my learning and difficult challenges that I am facing better.

Also, I can also give more frequent updates on my progress to my mentor. This will help my mentor understand what I am currently working on much more clearly, as well as give my mentor more opportunities to provide feedback and support.

  • What is the action plan for implementing each of the three strategies?

I can organize all of my blender files into a folder, put it onto OneDrive, then share it with Mr. Linburg. This makes it much easier for Mr. Linburg to view my projects. This additional preparation will give me more time to interact with my mentor when we have a meeting. I also plan on coming up with a list of questions that I have before each meeting. This way, when I meet with my mentor, I will have many useful questions to ask. Lastly, to give more frequent updates to my mentor, I will communicate with my mentor online through email; I will ask Mr. Linburg any questions that I have, as well as show him the projects that I am working on. 


Overall, these past few weeks have gone very smoothly. I have greatly improved my ability to work in Blender and learned more about the process of game design such as making game assets. For the next few weeks, I will start working in Unity and begin to create the game.

I am excited to see how the game turns out!

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In-Depth Post #2

It’s been a few weeks since In-Depth projects started, and I am currently making good progress. I have found a mentor a week ago; Mr. Linburg, a school teacher who teaches the Game Design course, has agreed to mentor me and guide my learning. Together, we created a detailed plan for my in-depth learning for the next few weeks.

Before I begin to create games in Unity, I will have to learn how to create 3D models. Mr. Linburg suggested that I learn how to use Blender.

I have begun learning how to use Blender, a software that can be used for creating 3D graphics for video games. So far, I have completed some small projects in Blender. I created a simple donut, as well as a low-poly scene. At first, the Blender interface seemed difficult to work with, and I felt slightly overwhelmed. However, after checking out the resources provided by Mr. Linburg and watching videos online, I was able to get the hang of using Blender. Now, I feel passionate and curious to learn more about the software. Below are the 3D images that I created so far:

A simple donut that I created in Blender.

A low-poly scene that I created in Blender.


  1. How did your mentor gain their experience/ expertise?

Mr. Linburg has gained much of computer and technical knowledge while working on a two business and technical diploma at BCIT (British Columbia Institute of Technology). He also has a BA, BEd and an MSc. Within those other degrees, he also has a collection of technology-related instruction. Since then he used his skills and expertise to learn and develop expertise in new areas of technology. He has also taken workshops and completed online programs to further hone his skills, especially in new and emerging fields of 3D animation and 3D gaming. 

  1. What were those experiences like for your mentor?

When Mr. Linburg went through school, the fields of 3D animation and 3D game design were in their infancy and were not well developed or accessible. Being curious and being willing to constantly train and retrain was essential for Mr. Linburg to be successful in the high tech area of gaming and design. 

  1. What wisdom have you gained from your mentor so far?

I have learned from Mr. Linburg that game design requires patience and flexibility. Game design is a complex subject, and learning about it can often seem difficult or boring. It is essential to stay patient and determined when learning about game design. Flexibility is also very important, as technology moves forward at a very fast pace. To be successful in game design, it is important to be constantly willing to learn new things.


  1. What have you learned so far, in terms of facilitation strategies, that might contribute to your own development as a mentor?

I learned that it is important to equip your mentee with helpful resources. Mr. Linburg has provided me with tons of resources about Blender on his website, which greatly helped me to learn about Blender. I’ve also learned that planning together with your mentee is a good idea. I had many discussions with Mr. Linburg, and we created a detailed guide for my learning. Talking to your mentee and creating a plan together helps guide your mentee in the right direction and gives the mentor a better understanding of the mentees’ goals. I will try to incorporate these strategies in the future when I am a mentor.


Overall, I believe I have made good progress over the past few weeks. I felt a passion as I worked on my projects, a desire to learn more. I will continue to learn about using Blender for the next 2-3 weeks, and then move on to using Unity to begin creating a game.

I am excited to see how the game will turn out!

Eminent Speech

In English, we had a big project called eminent. We had to research one influential figure that benefited the world positively. The person I chose for this project was Terry Fox. In addition to our research, we also had to present a speech from the perspective of an inanimate object or another person. I chose to create a speech from the perspective of Terry Fox’s artificial leg.


For this assignment, I used my research skills to find various sources for my research and to create a bibliography. I improved my personal awareness and responsibility from completing this assignment. I had to exercise my time management skills and stay responsible when we were given time to research in class. I also improved my creative thinking skills by coming up with unique ideas and perspectives for my speech.

Some challenges I faced while working on the project were managing my time. Although we had a few weeks to complete this project, it was a big project and required a lot of time. In the beginning, I spent too much time researching and I started writing my speech a little late. However, I still managed to utilize my time effectively towards the end and I had time to practice my speech for a few days before presenting.

Here is a copy of my speech:

Eminent Speech

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In-Depth Introduction

The in-depth topic that I have chosen is game development. I plan on creating a video game using a game engine called Unity. A game engine is a software that allows game developers to create video games efficiently. I will be using C# as the programming language because it is the programming language used in Unity. Almost all of the work is going to be done on a computer. My goal is to create a unique video game that others can play. I will also create a video that demonstrates how I created a video game.

I have chosen to learn about this subject because I am very passionate about coding and game development. Creating video games was something I had done since I was in Grade 5. In the past, I have created many small games. For me, making games is a way to express ideas in my head. In the past, I have read books and watched videos on game making. This year, I want to dive deeper. I want to explore game development further by learning how to use Unity.

I already have some experience with computer programming; I understand basic coding concepts such as variables and functions, and I able to apply those coding concepts to my games. During my in-depth study, I plan on learning about C# more, as I am not very familiar with that coding language. I also plan on learning about more advanced coding concepts and how I can apply them to developing my game.

I do not yet have a mentor,  but I have reached out to many people in hopes of finding a mentor. I am sure that I will find one soon.

There are many resources that I will use to help me achieve my goal. In addition to my mentor, I will be using YouTube to find videos on various topics about game design and coding. I can also learn from various websites and by reading books about coding as well.

I am very excited to start my learning and to find out what sort of game I will be making!

install game engine unity3D [debian 64bit] | fredfire1Unity is a game engine that can be used to create 2D and 3D games.

The Marathon Of Hope

Eminent Person

“It’s got to keep going without me.” – Terry Fox

My chosen eminent person is Terry Fox.

Terry Fox and his marathon of hope has raised awareness of cancer across the world and has raised over $24.17 million dollars for cancer research. Terry Fox has greatly impacted the world. Terry Fox was born in Canada on July 28, 1958 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In his childhood, he loved to play sports. In 1976, he was accepted to the Simor Fraser University basketball team. The following year, he was diagnosed with a bone cancer known as Osteosarcoma. The doctors told Terry that his right leg, where the cancer was located, had to be amputated. It was replaced by an artificial leg. While Terry Fox was receiving treatment for his cancer, he had witnessed many patients suffer from cancer, some of them being children. This greatly inspired him to fight cancer.

Terry began to initiate a run across Canada to raise awareness of cancer and to raise money towards cancer research. For his training, he ran 3159 miles over 15 months. He would run until his stump was raw and bleeding. After his training, Terry proposed his idea to the Canadian Cancer Society, who were skeptical if Terry’s plan was realistic. However, Terry Fox was determined to go all out to complete his dream.

In 1980, Terry Fox’s rise to eminence had begun. He began his Marathon of Hope. He endured physically and mentally on this incredible journey. He ran for about 43 kilometers each day with an artificial leg. He ran through many difficult weather conditions and had received little to no support in the beginning. Terry Fox had to believe in miracles and push himself over the limit to overcome his obstacles. Eventually, Terry Fox and his goals had begun to receive more attention. On February 1, 1981, Terry had raised $24.17 million, 1 dollar for every Canadian. After 143 days of the marathon, Terry was forced to end his run outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario. His cancer had reached his lungs. Despite this, Terry promised the people that he was going to fight on and not give up. Terry Fox passed away on June 28, 1981. After Terry’s death, many were inspired to continue his legacy and raise money towards cancer research. The Terry Fox Foundation has raised over $715 million as of May 2016.

I share a passion with Terry Fox. Running. I believe I have some shared strengths with Terry Fox, such as patience and determination. Terry was a very hard-working and persevering person. He is a very strong person, physically and mentally. I hope to be somebody like Terry Fox in TALONS. A barrier I might have with connecting with Terry is that our family backgrounds are different.


Bibliography (MLA):




  • This article was very useful for my speech since it was from the perspective of Terry’s artificial leg. It explains in detail about Terry Fox’s artificial leg, and how he used it. It explains the flaws of the leg, as well as the difficulties Terry experienced from it. This article explains how Terry Fox impacted the development of running prostheses.



  • This article lists important events that have happened in Terry Fox’s life in order. This article helped me create plot points for my speech, and it also gave me some more facts about Terry Fox, increasing my knowledge about him.


  • This article shows the route that Terry Fox took for the marathon of hope. It also includes Terry Fox’s journal during the run. This gave me a deeper understanding of Terry’s thoughts during the run.



  • This is the main article used for my speech. This article tells the story of the marathon of hope in detail, explaining Terry Fox’s emotions and thoughts, as well as his wants and fears. This is a good starting point to gain a general understanding of Terry’s story.

  • This article explains how the money Terry Fox raised for cancer researched benefits society. This article specifically explains how osteosarcoma, the cancer that Terry received, is now highly curable.



Digital Footprint Assingment

How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

In the future, hirers might look at your digital footprint to decide if you are a good choice for the job. A poor digital footprint might result in poor results when you look for a job.

In the future, if you apply for a university, they will search for your digital footprint. If your digital footprint has a bad record, they might consider not offering you a position in the university. Your digital footprint will affect all stages of your life.

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

-Never post anything embarrassing or private online about yourself that could harm your reputation.

-Never post anything that could hurt somebody else. Never respond to offensive posts.

-Always think before you post anything online. Is it appropriate? Does it have a purpose? Is it offensive? If so, do not post it.

If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

Do not post any images of yourself on any public app online. Once it has been posted, it will remain on the internet forever. I would explain how the things you post now could affect your entire career, and you should never post images of you online for inappropriate reasons.

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