Blog Post #6


Progress Report:

During the last four weeks, I was able to practice more of my drawing skills in photoshop as well as do a photoshoot for my final project. I was able to squeeze in a meeting with my mentor just before the two-week spring break.

During the meeting, we agreed that I should work on my drawing skills in photoshop. This was able to get me a head start for the final project. He also told me that if I had time, it would be best if I could practice my photography even if not on people. So, I did exactly that. When I had free time, I would practice drawing on the drawing tablet. And I was able to get some photos of this beautiful garden. Down below are a few of the photos I took from the garden as well as one example of a photo I drew on in photoshop.


After the break, I had a brief meeting with my mentor, and we talked about what I want to do for my final project. After we decided what I wanted to do I set up a photoshoot with one of my classmates. My mentor let me use a studio with a black background and different types of lights. Having this also allowed me to work on my lighting.

Thanks to my mentor I was able to use such great equipment to give me a sense of what you can create with it.


How to have a beautiful mind:


With my mentor, we had to go over a few concepts when thinking about a part of my final project.

  • A collage of multiple pictures
  • A picture about covid
  • Using pieces of wood
  • Masks

In the meeting before the break, we discussed what I could still learn. For example:

  • Lighting
  • Studios
  • Props
  • Communication



At first, when deciding what I wanted to do for my final project we wanted to use wood blocks to create depth for pictures going on top. My mentor gave an alternative solution for it being online. He said we could try and do the same thing but on photoshop and make it look like it has depth with drawing. I also suggested if the photoshop idea doesn’t work we can always just take a picture of the final product.


My learning center:

For my final project, I discussed with my mentor and we agreed on doing some kind of creative way to make a photo stand out. After a bit of discussion, he told me about layering photos on other photos to make a kind of collage. I thought that would be great, but I was thinking of showing a timeline/ gallery as well to show my progress throughout the year. For the interactive part, I was thinking of making a series of tutorials. This would show you how to edit photos, use photoshop or how to use your camera settings and more. I could also format it like a PowerPoint presentation where you click on links that lead you to different info or pictures. I hope that the audience will be able to learn what I have learned on my journey, but in a more compact way.



During the four weeks, I was able to prepare for my final project. This was by working on my drawing skills in photoshop, my lighting and of course the photoshoot for the final. Thank you for following my journey of Portrait Photography! Come back to see my final project!