Digital Footprint Assignment

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

It could allow people you meet in the future to see many of your actions in the past that have been recorded digitally, such as posts you’ve made on social media, or posts that you’ve commented on or liked. It could also mean they can track locations that you’ve been at. If people wanted to collect this information and use it against you, it could be possible. However, someone could also do some research before giving you a certain job or responsibility.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

I can keep my location private, not give out personal information, and be careful of what I post or comment on social media.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything that you would do differently online? Think of what advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students.

I believe that I’ve always been careful with technology and social media. However, some advice I would give is not getting too many social media apps when you’re young. It can your attention away from what’s important, including academics. Of course, there are so many different uses for social media that make a positive impact, but there are certain parts of it that can be damaging to a person, such as constantly comparing themselves to who they see online.