Link to my project

A. This assignment was for Jumpstart Art class. We had to research artists who were revolutionary in their time. I chose Paul Klee, a modern artist from the early 1900’s. I had to research his life and artwork and why his work has a lasting appeal. I also had to chose keywords to describe his artwork.

B. One of my pre-existing skills is my appreciation for modern art. I have always loved modern art because it is not trying to be something, it just is. The interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. My ability to research a topic of interest is another pre-existing skill. When I am interested in a subject, I will spend a great deal of time thoroughly researching it.

C. One of the challenges I faced with this project was narrowing down a few pieces of his art that I wanted to use in this project. Another challenge is that it was difficult to narrow down a few keywords to describe his style, as he was a prolific artist with varied styles.