TALONS Digital Literacy Assignment 3

Assignment 3: PTI Presentation

Presentation Script

PowerPoint Presentation

While reading The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, we were assigned a project where we presented a topic that was relevant to the novel. In small groups, we researched our topic, made connections to the novel, created a PowerPoint presentation, and wrote a script. My group presented Indigenous Women’s Rights. The idea of this project was to gain a further understanding of issues that First Nations people face that are relevant today.

9. I critically assess research sources for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose

Before taking information from different online sources, we made sure to check that they passed the C.R.A.P test. All of our research had to be from sources that were no more than 3 years ago. This ensured that we were talking about relevant information. Critically assessing your research sources is very important as information is always changing and knowledge from 5 years ago may be completely different from the knowledge that we have today.

10. I identify bias in research sources

There were many sources that we reviewed online about indigenous women’s rights. There can definitely be apparent bias in news articles or other online resources. We identified bias in the resources we came across online. We recognized bias for indigenous women and bias against them as there were many perspectives showcased in the research we conducted about indigenous women’s rights. As a group, we talked about the different viewpoints given by different people and we tried our best to collect information given from unbiased sources.

12. I look at controversial issues or topics from opposed perspectives to gain more complete understanding

The research we conducted provided us information about the problems that indigenous women face every day. Indigenous women face violence, racial and social inequality, and discrimination, which are all controversial issues and topics. By looking at different resources online, we were able to recognize different perspectives on these issues. The perspectives we looked at included the family members of missing and indigenous women and the Canadian government.

13. I attribute credit to ideas that are not my own by preparing a Bibliography/Works Cited and by using in-text citations

A requirement for this assignment was to prepare a bibliography for the sources we used to collect information from as we are conducting research from different sources that are not our own. We also created a Works Cited slide for our PowerPoint presentation as we used showcased pictures that we found online that do not belong to us.

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