In-Depth Blog Post #5

In-Depth Blog Post #5

Hello and welcome back to my blog. This post will focus on my progress in my in-depth project.

This post covers chapter 8 in Edward De Bono’s How to Have a Beautiful Mind. This chapter talked about a very interesting topic: the six hats. Each hat represents a type of thinking. De Bono says that to have a meaningful conversation all members of the conversation should be using the same hat. I forgot to record this week’s meeting with my mentor, but I will attempt to identify all of the hats from a conversation I had with her in the last meeting.

This past week I have been working on finishing my shirt. I began by zig-zag stiching all of the seams on the inside so the fabric wouldn’t fall apart. Then I sewed the back and the front together. Afterwards, I hemmed all of the raw edges on the outside. The last thing I had to do was sew the straps and sew them onto the shirt. To create the straps I had to use the help of an iron. I first folded both sides of the piece of fabric into the center and ironed them down. Then I folded it in half and ironed it down again, leaving me with a piece of fabric that had the edges folded into itself. All I had left to do was sew the sides together. Finally, I sewed the straps onto the shirt and I was finished. Here is the finished result. I am completely in love with how it turned out.

While finishing this shirt I didn’t have a lot of major challenges. I obviously had to rip a few seams but other than that, it was quite stress-free. My mentor did give me corrections when she saw I was doing something wrong. For example, she noticed that I was holding my fabric wrong when feeding it into the machine. Refer to the images below.

Wrong: This is how I used to hold my fabric while feeding it into the sewing machine however, this is incorrect. According to my mentor, it’s a lot harder to maneuver your fabric this way.
Right: This is the proper way I should be holding my fabric while sewing. It did take some practice to get used to it, as I found it a bit uncomfortable at first.

Now that I have finished sewing my shirt, I will move on to my next project. I am thinking I will learn how to sew a mask. There are many tutorials on YouTube that I could follow. A mask is a simpler project, so I think I won’t be needing my mentor’s help a lot.

Thank you for reading my post and I will see you in the next one.

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