Eminent Introductory Post Reflection

Eminent Introductory Post Reflection

Through the process of receiving feedback and reading my peers’ posts, I was able to learn about many inspirational figures in history and how I could improve for the future. All of the posts I read were done exceptionally well. Each post had attributes that I wished my post had too. I was particularly exhilarated by the way Xylia wrote about Malala Yousafzia’s struggle for women’s education rights. Other key aspects that elevated her post were her language and the way her sentences flowed with each other. I have always known a little about Malala’s story, as I owned her book, however, I never got around to reading it. After reading Xylia’s post, I have been considering picking it up. With regards to the comments, I was able to learn what others enjoyed in my post and some critiques on how I could improve it. Most of the people enjoyed the use of images, as it helped break up the text a bit, and made it easier to read. Multiple comments informed me that I didn’t cite my sources in APA style, which I had completely forgotten to do. Julianne had also brought to my attention that I could’ve related my research on Tavi a bit more to my goals as a TALONS student. Overall, I really enjoyed this experience and I am looking forward to learning more about these eminent people in the upcoming month.

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