The Jade PNE – Final Project!

For the final Jade Peony Project, I was able to contribute to a number of different parts. In terms of brainstorming, I was able to come up with ideas for many of the rides, shows, characters and smaller details for the park. I was put in charge of fleshing out and writing the descriptions for the rides, as well as I helped modify and edit some of the show paragraphs. When it came to designing, I came up with the design for the brochure based off of a 1930’s brochure that my group found online. From there, Annie and I both worked on formatting the text and organizing the sections as well as adding illustrations and pictures for each of the spare parts. I also helped design the PowerPoint presentation and the three posters for each of the shows. I came up with my own script to present the rides, shows and merchandise with Annie. Throughout the entire project, I really enjoyed the creative freedom and had a lot of fun brainstorming and bouncing ideas with my group! 

During the duration of the project, I think that it really helped me look at some of the bigger ideas and themes of the Jade Peony. Because the book feels very separate and in small disconnected ideas, the act of having to pull big ideas from each part and drawing recurring themes throughout was learning process. For example, for the Poh Poh rollercoaster, we really had to think about what connects all three kids, that person being the grandma. I also think that I was able to simplify a lot of the characters too. Up close, a lot of the main characters in The Jade Peony are complex and a bit confusing, but when we were forced to take a step back and simplify them, they were easier to understand. When I was looking at what made Jung Sum up, it was a bit difficult at first, but it was almost like a puzzle that I had to put together based off of the way he acts in certain situations until I got a simplified Jung Sum. To my surprise, looking at the project through the means of simplifying it made the book a lot more digestible! 






Eminent Introductory – Marc-André Leclerc!

“When I’m in the mountains, life is so incredibly simple” – Marc-André Leclerc (Mortimer & Rosen, 2021) 

Marc-André was making breakthroughs and records in the mountaineering world, and almost no one knew. It wasn’t just his outstanding achievements that drew me in however, but it was his attitude and view on life that I felt a strong connection to. It was interesting to learn that he learned by going outdoors and doing as well. He was someone who did not enjoy learning in the classroom, and I can relate to that. Marc also learned a lot by figuring out skills and puzzles on his own through his rock climbing and hiking. I find that its easier (and more fun) to learn that way as well. As learners I think we both are ambitious in our passions and goals. Marc and I both love the outdoors. He was a solo climber who would spend weeks out in the woods camping and climbing with his girlfriend, while I on the other hand will jump at any chance of hiking I can get. He has a connection and love for being up on the mountains and alpines that I can really connect with. Although I have not climbed many huge mountains in my day, I am hoping that I one day will climb many. We were also both raised in a family who encouraged our passions , which I am thankful for.

For one, I feel that Marc is a pretty determined person. He has a goal in mind and works and figures out ways to achieve that, which I try to do as well. He was a resourceful person and worked with what he had at the time. This is think is something that I both have, and try to work on. On both levels I think Marc André and I are both generally happy people, we both want to experience and explore. Part of what Marc-André does is what I want to do in TALONS. He pursues his passions and goals for the sake of himself and his love for it, not for the approval or fame of someone else. He climbed because he found true enjoyment in it, the exploration of it all being his drive. I’d like to pursue my own passions in TALONS and explore and experience as much as I can.  Marc is a technically trained climber, which I am most definitely not. While I may be your average hiker, I have no experience in climbing or mountaineering like he has. I have a pretty good amount of knowledge in technical climbing, and a close enough connection with the sport. I am also not able to connect with him as much because he is a guy. While I don’t identify with being a dude, I don’t think that gender really has an impact on the subject and areas I would be looking at. 

Marc is mainly known for his mind-blowing winter solos of Torre Egger in Patagonia, and the Emperor Face of Mount Robson in which he was the first. In his lifetime he was doing all sorts of crazy climbs and adventures solo that he was inspiring and shocking people all over the world. Marc will be known for his crazy solos for sure, but it is his story and the impact that he left on those around him that will remain as well. In the documentary about him, The Alpinist, they talk about not only his achievements, but interviewed those who met him, all of which who said he left a positive and fresh impact. His ding on the universe will be his attitude and story. Drugs were pretty harmful to his passions and ultimate goal. He also struggled to get started when the education system didn’t work with him. All he wanted to do was get up and move when he was stuck in a desk to the point where he was homeschooled for a while.  Through these struggles however, it was ultimately the people who surrounded and supported him who got him through. His mom Michelle and girlfriend Brette really pushed him past those challenges. 

I think he’s worth remembering because he was so full of life. He didn’t make an effort himself to put his name out there despite his success, so I would be honoured to share his story! Especially since he died so young at the age of twenty-five, I think he deserves remembering. He was someone who truly loved what he was doing and the world around him. If we can learn anything from him, it would be to love our own world and push ourselves for the sake of ourselves. 


Next, I think I would like to learn more about his achievements and maybe parts of his adulthood/right out of high school. I think that would be really interesting. I also want to re-watch the documentary again, that was cool.  



MortimerP. & Rosen, N. (Directors). (2021). The Alpinist [Film]. Red Bull Media House & Sender Films. 

Franz, D. (2018). Marc-Andre Leclerc Remembered. Alpinist.

Louisa May Alcott – Introductory Blog Post

“I want to do something splendid…
Something heroic or wonderful that won’t be forgotten after I’m dead…
I think I shall write books.” (
Alcott, 1868, Chapter 13 p. 4)


Not only did Louisa May Alcott change the world with her books, but she was also an inspiring and passionate individual. Alcott’s words and writing were what drew me in at first. The way that she expressed emotions with the most poetic words was so perfect and comforting to me.  She also had a passion for her writing, whether it be in poetry or writing novels. Although I lack the novels to show, I too have a passion for writing and poetry! Louisa May and I both enjoyed running outside and spending time playing outdoors. Her family was big on education and exercise as well. She believed strongly in women’s rights, which is something that I have a passion for. Alcott was also a creative person when it came to coming up with stories. I would like to think myself creative when it comes to making art or music too. She was determined to write, and wrote many of her main characters as strong, independent women. I can relate to this determination, although not in my writing, but through the way I can get really caught up in a task that I want to succeed in and get done.  

“Let us be elegant or die!” – Louisa May Alcott, Little Women

Louisa May was a strong person who didn’t have a care for what others thought of her. She had a passion for running outside, writing, and stood up for feminism all when it was looked down upon to do so. Her writing inspired many people as I hope to inspire others, and I can only hope to be as strong and confident as Louisa May! The way that she did what she loved without the fear of judgement stopping her is what I aspire to do every day.  One way that Alcott and I might diverge is that fact that she did what she did for the money. She grew up in a poor household and as a result was motivated by the thought of money. While this may be a generational or time sensitive topic, I can understand Louisa’s motivations. I think that it is perfectly reasonable to have to do something for the sake of money (and I am very lucky to not be in that situation). I think putting yourself into different shoes is always beneficial to expanding your perspective and understanding of the world however. I look forward to being able to compare and contrast the different worldviews and motivations that Louisa and I have! 



Louisa May Alcott changed the way people in her time looked at women through her books. The writing of her novels like “Little Women” used realistic representations of women that reached out to many at the time. Her characters spoke to many people personally and changed the way women were wrote in novels, and thought of in society.  Louisa’s most famous book “Little Women”, thought published in 1868, has never failed to speak to the present generations. Despite its age, the novel tells realistic and relatable characters for young women of every age. People find themselves in the books and its world, making it a childhood story for people around the world. The books and iterations of the story have been popular and beloved up since 1868, and will continue to be! As a female writer in a predominantly male dominated society, Alcott had her work cut out for her. Her stories of unmarried, headstrong women did not fit in with the married housewife that existed in the stories at the time. Between caring for her family, sickness, and being financially stable, Alcott managed to find the time to write. Alcott, though she loved writing, needed money. She had the idea that if she was richer, she would be much happier.  

Louisa May spoke to so many people long after her death through her writing. She was way ahead of her time in terms of her views on what women should be allowed to do. I think that anyone who manages to still speak to those tens of tens of years after they die, had something special about them.  Not only did Alcott manage to outlive herself through writing, but she also stood up for feminism, anti-slavery and taking a run outside in the 1800’s! I think she stands for doing what you love without caring about others. Her books are a triumphant tribute to life and love and all the hardships that come with that we can all learn from.  

For the next phase of my research, I want to try and read through the book Little Women, or read another one of Louisa May’s pieces. I will probably not finish either, but I would like to get started on them. I also think that looking deeper into the personal life of Louisa May such as family and youth would be interesting. There is a lot of emphasis on her famous works, but I would like to know a bit more about her life before.



Alcott, L.M. (1868) Little Women. Roberts Brothers 

Other Sources 

Norwood, A.R. (2017). Louisa May Alcott. National Women’s History Museum. 

Brockell, G. (2019) Girls Adored ‘Little Women.’ Louisa May Alcott did not. The Washington Post. 

Learning Center


How are you? good? that’s great. Today I have for you my learning center that I did on my eminent person, Junko Tabei.

Are you interested yet? click here to see my presentation!

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Happy learning center-ing!