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12 thoughts on “Eminent person :)

    1. Hi Ms. Mulder! I honestly agree with all of them. I think they all complete the salvation from God. They all take a part of understand him more and better. But in my opinion the “better” one is the letter “I” (irresistible grace) because I believe that humans cannot reject what God will do or plan on doing, and I also love the word Grace. Thank you for the comment!

  1. Hi Joanne. I thought that your website layout was really cool. The only constructive thing I’ll say is that there were a few spelling mistakes, otherwise great presentation. 🙂

  2. Hi Joanne!
    Very very cool website. The images and effects were awesome! I was wondering what made you choose John Calvin?

    1. Thank you Kalayla! I chose John Calvin because he is very cool! Also I think he had very good points and ideas that made me understand the Bible more! 🙂

  3. Hey Joanne! Your learning center was really cool. I had fun doing the quiz! Also, your website had the perfect balance of images and text. Great job!

  4. Hey Joanne! I loved your learning centre. It had a really cool layout and the information was presented in a really clean and organized way. One question I had was, what made you choose John Calvin? How do you feel that you relate to this person?

    1. Thank you Annie! Yes he is my daddy. JKJK I really like his thoughts and his ideas and how he presented it to the world. Also he is very smart and I am too, JKJK. I also enjoy reading his commentaries! 🙂

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