In-Depth Project: Post #3

Dear Reader, Today marks the 3rd post of my In-Depth Project. Progress Report To report on my progress, I engaged in the following: I finished a woven breakfast tray This breakfast tray took me probably around 5 hours to weave…because it was my first time. I would say that it looks okay for a first. However, I didn’t really start with all the materials, I substituted a thinner cane for…

In-Depth Project: Post 2!!!!

Dear Reader, First things first, I have to say, straight out, that–I’m not lying–I am literally EXPLODING with passion with what I am/can do with this project, right now!!! Alright, now that that’s out of the way, let me update you on the last two weeks of my In-Depth Project!! First up, I have not been able to have a meeting with my mentor yet–but hang in there–our first meeting…

In-Depth Project: Introductory Post

Hello! In this post I’ll be discussing my In-Depth Project! This post will be answering the following questions/points (the main elements of my contract): what, when, why and how, mentor, process, timeline, and what others can do to help/what I still need. In short, an introduction! What my chosen skill is. My chosen skill is: basket-weaving. Basket-weaving is a skill that can be traced all the way back to prehistoric…

“How to Be A REAL Success” Blog Post

This post is about four nuggets that I took away from the “How To Be A REAL Success” program by John C. Maxwell. Relationships: 101% principle The 101% principle means to find the 1% that you agree on in a relationship and then give it 100% of your effort. In other words, to establish common ground between you and the other relationship—find something that you both like, that you both…