in-depth post six

In-depth post six

First off, I’ve made a fairly major change to my project. Until about early April I was working on my previous script and I was struggling greatly, It felt uninspired and my outline had fairly large gaps. I didn’t really have an idea for the ending. My major issue of the last few months has been writers block, and I believe this came from writing a script that I wasn’t necessarily enjoying/ a script I hadn’t fully flushed out the idea for. It is still a script I want to finish someday, but at the moment, I don’t really have an idea for character arcs or an ending, essentially, it’s not the right script to present as an example of my skills.

I’ve always found that we find inspiration in absolutely the strangest places. Since march, I’ve been contemplating writing a different script to present for in-depth, but I was very nervous to essentially bail on my last script idea. I’d been playing around with a basic genre outline and some characters, I wanted to write a “classroom drama” and explore the intricacies and simplicities of high school, but I wasn’t sure what the plot could be. In early April we had a “hold and secure” drill and inspiration completely struck, what provides great space for comedy and character growth then a crisis? That’s when I came up with the idea for secure my new script. I’ve made unbelievable progress on it, I’m already on my second draft and I feel like I could present it as it is (although I will continue to work on it). I actually haven’t had any major obstacles with this new script, it’s been a breeze to write and script writings gone from being something frustrating that I was avoiding to something I find myself doing in every spare moment, I’ve found it amazing what finding new inspiration can do. As well I’ve found that “secure” is a better representation of my new skills then my last script as it’s given me opportunities to use writing technique.

The basic plot of “secure” is that a class of English students have their first day back from summer turned completely upside down when the school is thrown into emergency lockdown protocol. But it’s so much more then just what you see on the surface, the characters are scared for themselves and their loved ones, creating tension and in-fighting between this newly bonded group of borderline outcasts. While it is extremely tense and even frightening at times, it does have more light hearted moments of comradery and comedy.

Evidence of progress (character traits for “secure” characters)

Michal, the main character, the calm one

Age: 16

Birthday: September 17th

Pronouns: he/him








Cloudy days

Pullover sweaters


Lydia, main character, the smart one

Birthday: December 9th

Age: 16

Pronouns: she/they




Action movies






Comic books


nick, side character “the worry-er, the one who gets things done”

Age: 17

Birthday: august  29th

Pronouns: he/him



Marine biology

All animals, especially amphibians



Small spaces

Being still for too long



Carlos, side character “ the class clown”

Age: 17

Birthday: march 2nd

Pronouns: he/him




Christmas (will start putting up decorations in October)






may “the voice of reason”

Age: 17

Birthday: april  26th

Pronouns: she/her












The antagonist

The antagonist isn’t so much a specific character as it is a situation, the characters have been put in a lockdown, this is what is causing danger and tension.


Plan to present my learning

I plan to do a script reading of part of the opening scene on stage in front of the audience. Several of my classmates have agreed to help me with my script reading as I think it will be easier for the audience to see my dialogue writing skills if each character is being embodied by an actual person. I think that a script reading will demonstrate my script writing abilities the best because it is easiest to judge how good dialogue (especially comedic lines) are when there read out loud. Also, during the script reading I will be reading the stage directions out loud as well. I think this format fully showcases my ability to write a script and the writing skills I have learned.


in-depth post five

Progress report

In the past few weeks I have been able to work more on my script and the development of characters. I’ve come up with ideas for the next few scenes and am starting to fall into a new rhythm using this new style of writing. Luckily, I am starting to work with a new script in my drama class that is a similar style to the script I am trying to write, so I have been able to look to that script (she kills monsters, written by qui nguyen) for pointers on formatting and dialogue patterns.

I have been doing more research into writers block and how to overcome obstacles when writing, I have found great articles from other writers about how they work with writers block, so far, some tips I’ve found that are helpful to me are:

  • whenever you finish a scene, make sure that you write a few lines of the next scene. This way you’ll hopefully be thinking about what to put in the next scene more and will hopefully be more eager to go back and finish the next scene.
  • Write in a different font then you usually do, this can help give you new perspective
  • Whenever you run into an issue, read back through the last few sentences, often any plot issues only started a few sentences prior.

I have been fortunate to not run into many new frustrations, other then my mentor will be quite busy for the next few weeks, so it might be difficult to schedule our next meeting. Other then this issue, I haven’t come across many new obstacles which is giving me more time to work on old obstacles such as writers block and grammar.



Scene three

(back in lians dorm room. They’re sitting awkwardly in a circle. No one is talking) 


Lian: so… 

Ryan: I don’t like this. I want nothing to do with it, this feels more sketchy then an actual pyramid scheme 

Atheyllia: autumn. Explain her plan 

Autumn (pacing nervously): I don’t know all of it, I mean. Your not going to like it  

Ryan: are you involved in criminal activities? 

Autumn: not yet… technically 

Athyllia: Jesus Christ autumn! 

Autumn: hey! I haven’t done anything wrong 

Lian: (quietly) lets hear her out. 

Ryan: what is wrong with you two today! 

Autumn: we don’t have a heck of a lot of options right now Ryan 

Ryan: what does that mean 

Autumn: with one heist, we could have the unheard-of gift of financial stability straight out of collage 

Athyllia: I’m listening 

Lian: wait. What do you mean, heist? 

Autumn: oh, yeah. Surprise everybody, that’s the plan 

Ryan: that is a terrible plan!! 

Autumn: well, I wasn’t the one who came up with it! 

Ryan: no, but you’re complicit! 

Autumn: yeah, that’s true. 

Lian: autumn, when did you find out that she’s planning a heist 

autumn: yesterday, she called me after we left 

Ryan: and you never thought to tell us! 

Autumn: no! Because I knew you’d react like this! 

Ryan: you still should have told us! 

Lian: I’m going to be honest with y’all. I’m kind of down to do a heist 

Ryan: your crazy 

Autumn: she’s done this before. 

Ryan: still 

Autumn: we won’t get caught 

Ryan: you’re not just crazy. Your bad people 

Lian: Ryan, c’mon, one bad thing, then, you could afford the PHD you’ve always wanted. Maybe even an apartment. 

Ryan and athyllia, in unison: (ryan) no way! (athyllia, quietly) I’m in, lets do this  

Ryan: what! 

Athyllia: are we robbing a big brand store with a rich CEO? 

Autumn: he’s a billionaire 

Athyllie: so… we’re like robin hoods, stealing from the rich? 

Autumn: if that’s what you need to tell yourself 

Ryan: but robin hood gave to the poor! 

Lian: we’re poor 

Ryan: ok… you’ve got a point  

Autumn: so you’ll hear her out 

Ryna: ok! Ok. Fine. You wore me down. I’ll hear her out 

Autumn: wooo!! We’re gonna be rich! 







  1. What kinds of learning opportunities does the mentor provide to expose you to new learning?

My mentor offers me many resources from her university level script writing classes. Especially text book chapters from this course, this exposes me to new learning and new ways of practicing and expressing my learning. She also uses her own knowledge to offer up exercises that can strengthen my writing abilities.

  1. What kinds of learning opportunities exist to reinforce new learning?

I think that writing shorter one scene scripts could help me to use all of my new skills quickly, and it could help me be able to see the flow of a beginning, middle, climax and ending.

  1. What kinds of opportunities exist that might accelerate learning?

I think that asking people to act out scenes of my play could help me to accelerate my learning by helping me study the natural flow of dialogue, and then use this in my writing.

  1. When you get together what do you talk about?

We typically talk about new skills that I can learn, what my script is about and we often talk about films/shows/plays that use the skills I’m learning so that I can learn more about how my new skills are applied.

  1. What is going particularly well in your mentoring relationship right now?

I think we understand each other fairly well and have an effective mentor mentee relationship that allows us to get a lot of work done per meeting.

  1. What are you learning about one another?

We knew each other last year, both through in-depth and through our drama class, so I already knew a bit about her, but I think that I’m learning a lot more about the vast extent of her skills in this field. I think she is learning more about my interests and eventual life goals in a writing field.

motorcycles and sweetgrass

My two primary roles were to work on the map and the ride logos and descriptions. I drew all four of the logos for the rides, making sure that they were detailed and contained “Easter eggs” from the novel. I wrote three out of four of the written aspects of the ride component (credit to Lucas for writing the one for the canoe ride). I drew a rough paper draft of the map and did the first draft of the map, as well as a few edits to the second draft. I helped brainstorm general ideas for shows, activities, and merchandise. In addition, I helped to draw a rough draft of the characters/park mascots. I had to research and look for a lot of small details from the book to then figure out how to convert them into ride ideas, which helped me gain a better understanding of the story.

Categories: Uncategorized

In-depth post four

Progress report.

I’ve made decent progress over spring break, unfortunately, I’ve run into some writers block, meaning that working out scenes has been difficult, and I haven’t made as much progress on the actual writing as I might have liked. However, this has given me an opportunity to further flush out characters, as well as learn more about typical writing conventions and proper formatting of scripts.

As far as problems go, as I just mentioned, I’ve run into a few. Firstly, I’ve only really been able to write one scene in the time I expected to be able to finish two, however, I spoke to my mentor and got the great advice of “most of the time, when there’s a problem in a script, it only started one or two lines before”, this is great advice I will bring with me into the writing of the next few scenes. If I work on scheduling my time better, so I’m writing in shorter bursts instead of longer writing sessions, I hope to be able to make up for lost time.

I have discovered that there is a very large difference between the formatting of a novel and a script. I learned a lot about how to format a novel last year, but i have found the formatting of a script to be significantly more difficult. There are more specific rules to follow when working with a script then a novel, and it’s been quite a steep learning curve. This has been an obstacle as I’m still not sure how to do the correct style of formatting in word, so for now, my rough drafts are formatted as close to correct as i can get them, but will remain not correct while i research a better platform to use.

Despite the afore mentioned difficulties, my mentor meetings have been going very well (other than a few scheduling issues). We’ve discussed formatting, climaxes and touched upon how to write effective dialogue, and she has offered me many great resources.


Evidence of progress.

This is a rough draft of scene two, act one. It is not formatted correctly.

We see another down room. It is cleaner, looks larger and has more furniture. Sitting on a couch center stage we see Kelsey, sitting comfortably, scrolling her phone. From stage right we hear a knock 


Who is it? 


                                                                   Autumn (off stage) 




(standing up and walking towards the door. She looks through the peep hole and we hear several locks be unlocked) hey autumn  



(steps in hesitantly) hey dude 



(reaches out and fist bumps autumn) I’m glad you came  



Yeah, uh, about that  






I brought a couple friends, if that’s ok  



(hesitantly) sure 



Come on in guys  


(lian enters first. Kelesy moves a few steps back to centre stage as atheyllia and ryan enter, atheyllia looks nervous, but friendly, ryan looks hesitant and angry) 



(reaching out to shake Kelseys hand) hi! I’m Lian 



(looking confusedly at autumn) who’s this? 



Uh, my friends? 



Yeah, I’m going to tell you all right now that you’re not down with what I had planned  



I told you guys. Let’s go  



Hey, we should at least hear her out. What’s the plan kels! 



Dear god please don’ call me “kels”. And I wasn’t planning on letting you all hear me out. Autumn, I’ve got a plan, the two of us can probably pull it off. Thanks for coming you guys, but the grown ups are going to talk now  



Whoa, dude, just explain the damn plan to them, trust me, worst case scenario we all walk out of here like nothing happened 



You really think so? 



Yeah, I do. 



(annoyed) fine, give me 24 hours, if you’re all still interested, I’ll come by your dorm 



(looking for a group reaction) ok. We can work with that  



I’m out  



Me too, no offence, but this seems suspect  



C’mon guys, it’ll be fine 


                                              Kelsey (speaking only to autumn) 

Fyi, the next 24 hours are going to be a lot like this. I’ll call you tomorrow around 9? If they seem interested I’ll bring over my plans 



Thanks. Alright guys, let take this argument on the road. Bye Kelsey  


   (Kelsey nods goodbye and exists stage right. Lian and autumn exit stage left) 



She’s definitely known Kelsey longer than she’s saying  



You’ve gotta trust her for once 



Fine, I’ll try 


(they both exit) 




What has been the most difficult part of your mentoring so far? Why?

Finding times when we’re both available to meet. We both have relatively busy and often conflicting schedules. Between assorted extracurriculars, unpredictable commutes and often changing school schedules, there is only really one time we can fairly consistently meet at (although even that time hasn’t always worked). We haven’t been meeting as often as I would like, although, unfortunately at this point, our current meeting schedule is all that’s working.


What is working well? Why?

I feel like me and my mentor have similar interests (which makes sense given that she’s been my mentor two years in a row on two different topics). We understand references that the other person makes and often strategies that she’s developed for herself, such as one to help with writers block, work for me as well. I think since we think similarly and have similar interests, our meetings are often highly efficient.


What could be working better? how can you make sure this happens?

I think we have occasionally had the issue at meetings of me not having enough topics prepared, we’ll often schedule a longer meeting then I have questions to fill, I think to remedy this issue, we could exchange emails to become up with a plan for the next meeting so we know what topics to cover and make sure we have enough material to fill a whole meeting.




Categories: Uncategorized

in-depth post three

Progress report.

I have started work on the actual play, which is very exciting! Over the past few weeks I’ve had a chance to start creating an outline for the play as well as getting a start on the first few scenes first draft. I’ve been doing lots of research about the differences between writing for theatre (what I’m doing for my in-depth) and writing for film, through this research I have also learned about proper dialogue formatting conventions and what details you need to have in a theatre script. My meeting with my mentor have gone quite well, so far we have discussed the differences between film and theatre, how to write an opening scene and use an opening scene as an effective tool to set the story, how to properly format a script/ what percentage of the script should be dedicated to the opening, rising action, and conclusion.

I have become slightly frustrated by a bit of writers block, getting a new project started is always difficult, especially considering how different this style of script is from what i would usually write. I’ve found that getting over the obstacle of the first scene has been the most difficult, now that I’ve gotten passed that writing the outline has gotten easier.


Evidence of progress


Scene one act one  

Lian, Ryan and athellyia sit together in a sparsely decorated dorm room, lian is sitting on the floor, the other two are on chairs. 


Well, that’s it, I drained my bank account today, spent my last dollar on ramen of all things  



You get paid Friday, you’ve already paid your rent, if you need help buying food you can just pay us back later, your being overly dramatic 



Ryan’s right lian, you’ll be fine, you’ve got us! 



And I’m grateful of course, but I’m sick of living paycheck to paycheck, there has to be a better way, right? 



I think that’s just how collage works? If there was a way to cheat the system someone would have figured it out ages ago 

(autumn enters, holding a pizza box) 



Sorry. Traffic was a nightmare, but I brought pizza 



We all live on campus autumn 



Right. Damn, I forgot I can’t use that excuse anymore. But I still brought pizza 






I know, I know, your not a pizza person, I picked you up wings 

(she throws a takeout pox to Aethylla) 


Autumn (continued) 

Now what were you guys talking about before I got here, you looked really intense 



I’m broke, like, zero dollar net worth 



So is every other collage student, you point was…? 



Not every collage student is completely broke  



Sure, some people have rich parents, but most of us are poor, you know, I think the government keeps collage students under funded so that later in life they can force us into the capitalist machine that we call- 



Some girl in my geology lecture had a Prada bag 



Damn, I wish my parents were rich  



(quietly) I’m sick of carrying a shopping bag to all my labs  



No, that’s my point, her parents are poor too, actually, her dad is dead and her mom is out of the picture, she’s basically self made, she said she’d tell me how to do it  



That’s an MLM 



I don’t think it is  



What’s your evidence? 




She’s not some forty year old trying to sell me lip gloss 



At this point I say we hear her out, I need the money  



Don’t you dare join a pyramid scheme  



Hey, I’m not saying we join a pyramid scheme, I’m just saying we hear autumn’s friend out  



I’m with Ryan, what if you guys get involved with something illegal  



One could day that the prices of education that’s required to survive in modern society is illegal 



They have a point, I mean, just hearing this person out couldn’t hurt, right? But if I get pyramid scheme vibes, we leave 



I can live with that. She said I could come by her dorm room if I wanted, lets go. 

(lian, Ryan and autumn get up and exit stage. Leaving Aethylla sitting on a chair in the middle of the stage ) 


Come on guys? Really?! Ughhhh. 

(she runs off after them) 



Questions about mentor

What went particularly well during your mentoring sessions?

My mentor is extremely talented and knowledgeable in this area, her ability to explain these concepts to me has been extremely helpful and I feel like I am grasping the concepts quite well



What learning challenges emerged?

I found it difficult to balance time for script writing and research with my other school work and hobbies.

What did you do to hold yourself accountable for the learning?

I set aside specific times on a weekly basis where I dedicate my time and energy to learning about script writing, since I have this time scheduled it is easier to track my progress on this project and there for hold myself accountable.



What three strategies could improve the quality of your mentoring interactions?

Firstly, I think discussing more what we plan to do in the next meeting could help, often I haven’t properly researched the questions I should be asking my mentor before our meeting. Secondly we should definitely work on planning our meeting further in advance, as our last meeting was quite spur of the moment. Third of all I might try to make and then share a more in-depth meeting schedule, so that there is a clear order of what we should be work on.



in depth post two 2022

In depth second blog post “act one, scene one”

Progress report:

In the last few weeks I’ve completed several tasks, firstly, I met with my mentor for the first time. We discussed the different types of script writing and screen writing vs. Play writing, and decided that for the sake of this project and my goals, I will be focusing more on play writing. We discussed in this meeting the key difference between the two types of script writing and how they apply to my project. As well, in the past few weeks, I have decided on the genre of play I will be writing and the theme. The genre will be a comedy, as they are an area I have an interest in writing in the future, and also I have experience acting in comedic based plays. There plot of my play will be a comedic take on a heist of sorts, this basic plot will definitely require some revisions, but at least I am starting to get some character ides on paper as well as ideas for the climax of acts one and two. Luckily, at this point in my project, I haven’t run into any obstacles, I am having a great time planning out my characters and plots.

Since my first blog post, there has been a relatively large change to my project however. In my initial learning contract, some of my personal criteria had been at least 3-4 main characters and 6+ side characters. After meeting with my mentor and reading through many of the references that she supplied me with, this quantity of characters would be impossible for the length of play I am planning to write. I am making adjustments to my personal criteria, and that is to have 1 main character that the play centers around and 2-4 side characters that will be flushed out. My mentor warned me against more characters as “even if they’re mainly there for comedic purposes, all characters need to be useful to the plot” (my mentor, Michelle). Having more than one, or possibly two main characters would not allow for all of the characters to be useful to the plot, and six side characters would be almost impossible. This is the only major change to my project at this time.



I have, of course, had to cut some characters, which is difficult however, after some work I have come to my final list, bellow are the characters and some of their likes and dislikes, their main role in the play, and their archetype.

Lian, the main character “the brains of the operation, the dreamer”

Age: 19

Pronouns: they/them


The color blue








Water color painting (accidentally drank water color painting water as a child)






Kelsey, the antagonist

Age: 22

Pronouns: she/her



Bright pink

Conning people




Rule followers



Strawberry jello



Ryan, side character “the voice of reason, the cynic”

Age: 17

Pronouns: he/him






Marine biology




Cheese puffs

People who don’t like green apples

Pineapple on pizza



Autumn, side character “ the risk taker, the rebel”

Age: 18

Pronouns: she/her



Dirt bikes





Pumpkin spice


Chemical smells e.g. Nail polish



Aethylla “the one who doesn’t wanna be there, the innocent”

Age: 20

Pronouns: she/they





French cuisine





Flowers (pollen allergies)


  1. How did your mentor gain their experience/ expertise?

My mentor has gained experience by taking many creative writing and directing classes at Gleneagles, and has taken university courses in creative writing and screen/script writing.

  1. What were those experiences like for your mentor?

They really enjoyed their time working as a student director in the drama department, and have learned a lot from they’re time at university.


  1. What wisdom have you gained from your mentor so far?

I’ve learned a lot about the writing field at large, and how different screen writing and play writing are. I have also learned a lot about character development

  1. What have you learned so far, in terms of facilitation strategies, that might contribute to your own development as a mentor?

My mentor often checked throughout our meetings to make sure I was following everything she was saying, she also provided me with many great resources.



The creative writing text book used by UBC class 206 screen writing




in-depth introduction 2022

An introduction of my project:

This is my project, her name is Aethilla,.just kidding but that is one of my characters names!

This year for in-depth I will be doing script development, with a focus on stage directions, plot and character development. I will be working on some of the skills I started to build last year, such as developing plot and characters, but with more of an emphasis on using dialogue to convey emotions and inner feelings (although there will probably be a monologue or two thrown in there), and making sure that the plot can be conveyed using the dialogue and things that can be done on stage eg. The characters having a meeting to discuss a plan.

The reason that I chose this project is twofold. Firstly I really enjoy writing, last year for my in-depth project I decided to do novel writing and I thought that script writing could be an interesting extension on that concept. When script writing you need to be concise, something that is not always necessary when novel writing; as well you have to share all character emotions through external dialogue as opposed to utilizing their internal monologue. I thought that learning how to script write would be an interesting addition to my creative writing portfolio. Secondly, when I grow up I want to work on the film industry, in what capacity exactly I still haven’t decided but I know I want to do something around writing or directing. Doing script writing as an in-depth project will give me a look into what I want to do as a job.

My mentor is a talons alumni who did their own in-depth project on creative writing. They are currently in university and taking a class on screen writing and have written and directed a short play for the drama class at gleneagle, so they are very qualified to teach me about this subject. They were actually my mentor last year and we got along quiet well and I learned so much, so I’m excited for what’s to come this year.


Categories: Uncategorized

interview reflection

this is less about my interview and unfortunately more about my lack of an interview, so…

Why couldn’t I get an interview?

There were a few reasons, Hayley Williams is obviously a pretty big deal, reaching out to her directly didn’t seem like much of an option, I attempted to find a way to contact her agent, unfortunately I couldn’t find any email addresses and the only phone number I could find was very long distance and would have cost a fair amount. Next I tried to find a way of getting a packet that might have been sent out to a media company, but I couldn’t find anyone to contact about something along those lines. The next obvious route seemed to be via social media, the “tag her in everything” tactic, disappointingly Hayley Williams just very publicly went through a social media detox, from what I could figure out, she no longer has social media accounts, so that was no longer a viable option to contact her through. Several of my classmates recommended reaching out to a band mate, or someone who knows her personally, but many of her band mates have very bad relationships with her, so I figured asking someone who’s actively suing her might not be the best way of finding out more about her personality from an unbiased point of view. One thing that I probably should have better explored was interviewing someone else is the punk/emo/punk pop genre, one of the reasons that I delayed reaching out to someone like this and put definitely too much effort into trying to reach out and get a media packet about her was because as much as I am interested in the genre I also wanted to know more about her, and her personal experiences with over coming struggles, the direction I’ve gone in with much of my eminent has focused more on Hayley Williams as a person and less on her genre, because I feel that all she’s dealt with and done, all whilst being highly talented is truly what makes her eminent.

Of course, since I wasn’t able to get to get an interview, I had to make up for this hole in my research somehow, luckily an upside of her being so famous and well known was if I watched and read enough interviews that other people have done with her I was able to gather similar information to many of the questions that I might have asked, and I incorporated this into what I wrote in my learning center about her. As much as I didn’t actually get an interview with her, I did get to hear/read her answers to many of my questions about her.

The morale of the story is essentially that A) I should have definitely started looking for someone to interview sooner, I thought it would be easier then I turned out to be B) I should have been more willing to compromise on what I wanted in an interview, learning more about the genre and it’s effects on others who are a part of it would have been better than nothing.

Categories: Uncategorized

eminent night

Hi and welcome to eminent night!

I’m Hayley Williams and tonight I’ve prepared some important details of my life and work for you to look through.


this is a brief summary of my rather long winded explanations in the flip book

please feel free to leave any questions you have in the comments!

developing leaders around you- John C Maxwell

Developing leaders around you


Recently as a leadership exercise, we watched  John C Maxwell’s talk on developing leaders around you, these were some points I thought were particularly important


“An organizations potential is directly related to its personnel”, this goes for any team. Team members and the way that the view the team will make or break the team, people who view the team positively will contribute with more energy and people who highly value the team will put more work into insuring its success. Making sure you have cohesive team members that work together is important because otherwise the team will not have each other’s backs and may fail, a positive team with members who have respect for each other will work better than one without, this is one of the ways the team members are essential to the success of an origination. This idea has relevance to me because I know how difficult or easy working on a team can be based on the other members and how the other members interactions with myself effect how i see the team and act in the team, people tend to work harder for a team when all the other personnel are pleasant to be around, which typically makes them more pleasant to be around, and the cycle continues, making personnel and the way the interact what makes or breaks the team. This concept is hugely important when planning hikes has it is important to remember that we, the team members have the power the control the success or failure of any talons trip.

“Leaders think differently”, this is something that we can consciously except and try and think about, and thinking “how can I approach this problem like a leader.” “The major difference between successful and unsuccessful people is how they think”. An important part of team work and mentoring is to talk to the leaders around you about strategies you have for a leadership point of view, and to ask the leaders around you what some considerations they’ve made with leadership are. It is important for me to think about and consider how i can look at problems from a leadership angle. Before addressing a group I often make considerations about whether or not I’m coming at a problem from a leadership angle, this is what makes the concept of “leaders think differently” relevant to me, because i find it fascinating to consider how leaders think differently. Acknowledging that leaders think differently and making considerations about this/ sharing said considerations with your team is relevant to the success of any talons event where the grade tens are passing on knowledge to the grade nines as it is important that we share what we’ve learned about leader style thinking with them.


“Effective mentors have compassion and the ability to hear what another person is saying without judging what they are saying”, it is important when on a team or as a leader to always respect others ideas, if you as a leader or a team member make others feel bad about presenting certain ideas, even when they might have an idea that works better for the situation they may feel hesitant to share for fear of being ridiculed. Listening with compassion and encouraging sharing is important to a positive team structure, listening to everyone openly makes for a more inclusive and welcoming team environment and giving everyone a platform to share makes for a better team in the long run as you will have more people willing to share more good ideas on a team with a compassionate leader then you would on a team with an uncompassionate leader. I can relate to this idea personally as i feel that i tend to work better on a team with a positive and compassionate leader who can listen to ideas or suggestions without making anyone feel judged or less then accepted. I find that a team with a compassionate leader makes me unafraid to share ideas and help problem solve, where as a team with an uncompassionate leader often makes me feel judged causing myself (and those around me) to not share as many ideas. Remembering to lead with compassion is something that can and should be employed at all talons events as it makes participants, mentees and fellow leaders feel more open and comfortable to share their thoughts and ideas


So, can the skills that make a leader so talented be taught or does it have to be a skill that’s been ingrained or is a “natural skill”


Maxwell, J.C (2014) developing the leaders around you. The john Maxwell company


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