Practice Interview Reflection

I really enjoyed the practice interviews. They were a good way to get more comfortable with interviewing people and practicing it formally. I thought everyone did a great job at staying engaged and listening to what their interviewee was saying. I think I did well at encouraging my interviewee to elaborate and make connections between questions. One thing I could probably work on would be keeping the filler words such as “um” and “like” to a minimum, and trying to get better at coming up with new questions on the spot to fit what is being said without a long pause in between. I think I also need to work om maintaining eye contact and having a more open body language. I am hoping to practice these skills more over the coming weeks with our first Career Ed assignment to better prepare me for my real interview. Overall, this assignment was a fun way to learn more about people and bond with them as well as to get more comfortable with interviewing people and practicing those skills. I am excited to learn more about my Eminent Person with the next interview and I hope that this practice I have done leading up to it will allow me to make a good impression and gather more of the information I need.


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