[in-depth] virtual in-depth night!

Hi! Welcome to my virtual in-depth presentation.

I’m Joanna, a grade 9 TALONS. I spent my 2020 In-Depth project diving into the fascinating and complex world of digital collaging. My progress is demonstrated in my virtual portfolio. Hope you have a pleasant and fun journey to the peculiar world of collage art! Feel free to leave a comment and/or question below, and don’t forget to visit other people’s blogs.







43 thoughts on “[in-depth] virtual in-depth night!

  1. Joanna, we solved the post issue together in the nick of time. This is working. Enjoy showing it off to everyone. You never gave up when another obstacle was put in your way! An important skills in life. Congrats.

      1. I am, too. Together we figured it out. You are persistent and very artistic. Loved your collages and the message they told!

    1. Hi Joanna,

      The collages are all SO cool!!! They are all so creative. The first one is truly amazing.

  2. Very creative & fascinating to watch the process! Well done & love the gallery results. Makes me want to explore digital collaging – thank you!

  3. Hi,

    I was wondering where do you get your ideas? Are you trying to express yourself, or stimulate thought in others?

    1. Hi Ms. Chambers,
      I get my ideas from all sorts of places! Sometimes, it’s a visual that flashes in my mind, and other times, it’s invoked by other pieces of art or nature. In some senses, inspirations arrive and leave on their own accords

  4. Wow! Im sitting here with my sister who is in art school and she says your work is great and very impressive!

  5. Wowww Joanna this is so cool, your collages look great! Where do you get your inspiration from/what are your influences?

    1. Thanks Jasmine! My inspiration comes from my daily interaction with the world and the things I see and feel. 🙂

  6. Hey Joanna!!
    Wow, your art pieces are incredible! Digital collaging looks very cool, and I like all of your showcased work.

    I didn’t get to read your previous blog posts, so I was wondering what program you used to make these? How long did it take to create each piece?

    My favorite was “subway”, because it seemed minimalistic yet full of idea. It resembled a magazine cover. Very well done!

    Keep it up, you’re doing amazing!

    1. Thank you so much Kailey! I mostly used Pinterest and Flickr to hunt for materials and Photoshop to compose them. And, depending on the particular pieces, my collages usually took about 45 mins to 3 hours. Again, thank you for your kind words.

  7. Your Robert Frost piece was actually my favourite! I loved the imagery. You are very talented. Make sure to hold on to all of these in case you need them for a portfolio in the future.

  8. Wow, these are beautiful! What was the inspiration behind some of them? Did you know much about this topic before starting this project? Great work!

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