How to Be A REAL Success


Follow the 101% principle

Following the 101% principle means finding the 1 percent that you agree on with a person or group of people and putting your 100 percent effort into that 1 percent. I chose this because I find that I do not do this often enough and it is a very important tool when dealing with any kind of relationship. Finding a topic or thing that you can put your absolute one hundred percent into is a very difficult task and takes a lot of perseverance and patience. A great example where you can use the 101 percent principle is when you are discussing soccer game or any other sports strategies. If you and the coaches are discussing strategies you can either argue about the differences and possibly get nowhere or you can find something you both particularly agree on and put your 100 percent effort into that topic. By doing this you will not only be put on a great path and hopefully, everything will fall into place, but it will also make you sound like a positive, problem-solving person. I am going to start to incorporate this principle when planning events, trips, hangouts, etc. because it is a very useful skill. If I am disagreeing with someone, I will go look for common grounds first. Hopefully, by using this concept this will make planning and running an event so much more efficient and overall a great experience for everyone.



The law of Mt. Everest

The law of Mount Everest basically states that and I quote “as the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork escalates”. This means that to accomplish something you need to equip a proportionately sized team. The bigger the dream the bigger the team. I chose this concept because I find it is a very useful concept that everyone should know. I have found myself when trying to accomplish a task or dream that I was trying to do it all alone and I couldn’t get very far. An example would be if you were trying to practice a specific move in soccer and you had no idea how to start then you can get a person to help you out and you can them move further than by yourself. However, if your dream was to open a bed and breakfast hotel you will need janitors, chefs, and basically a huge staff to take care of the place. You just can’t do it by yourself. I will use this all the time now when executing and planning trips, events, and even personal matters. When planning a trip I will ask others that are interested to help me out or mentor me in how to do that specific task. When we are actually on a trip and not just planning it we will need people to keep everything on track and lead plus explain things to the people who are just coming on the trip. Thanks to this law it will make events and personal goals so much easier to accomplish.



“A happy person is not a person with a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.” – Huge Downs

In any situation, you can be happy, but it all depends on how you look at it. I chose this point because I find that sometimes I can have a negative attitude toward things, for example, if I was going to hang out with friends. After all, I haven’t in a long time and all I think about is the homework that I could be doing instead. That there is your negative perspective on a fun experience and you will just end up spoiling the fun instead of enjoying it. If you ever find that your mind is going to worry you or be negative just think of the positives to the situation and for every con that comes up incorporate it into a pro. Another way your attitude can affect your situation is by getting your hopes up really high. By doing this it can make whatever happens to feel like a negative and all you can think about after is what you wish had happened. I will incorporate this into future leadership events and activities by just thinking of the positive, not getting my hopes up to high, but still have enough hope to make it fun for everyone and making my cons turn into pros so that I have a great time and others do too. Just remember, your happiness isn’t based on what situations you are given but your attitude towards it.



We overestimate the event and we underestimate the process!

We overestimate the event, and we underestimate the process means that when it comes to an event, trip, or even a hangout we overestimate what it will be like. When we overestimate what the event will be like we don’t even consider the hard work people went into planning it. However, when you look at the amount of work being put into an event, I find that you will appreciate the event more and not overestimate the product. An example of this concept would be if you are at a party. You go around acting foolish and breaking things while thinking about how great this party is going to be when it’s over. By being foolish you aren’t going to appreciate the work that has been done for you and all actions have consequences. You may not be invited to any more parties or you might have to clean this one up. Now, this isn’t very fun, is it? However, if you are respectful and thank the people who have set up this party you will most definitely be invited back and won’t suffer any consequences. I can incorporate this in future events and trips by appreciating the process when others are planning an event so that I don’t take it all for granted and hopefully it will make me not overestimate the product. When it comes to an event or trip I am planning I will make a plan as to how it will go so that I was a planner do overestimate what my peers and I can achieve.