Eminent Person Practice Interview Reflection

In my practice interview with Natalie, I tried to balance the questions between her personal life and school so that it didn’t feel like she was overwhelmed with personal questions or that she was overwhelmed with questions about school. It felt like that strategy worked well because I didn’t get repetitive answers. I will do the same thing when I try and interview my eminent person trying to find a balance between his work and his personal life however with him, I would try and lean more towards work. One critique that I got from Colin to work on was speaking in a monotone voice which I could see how that might make the interviewee feel unappreciated or like I’m not interested in what they’re saying. With my eminent person interview, I will try and sound more excited and switch up my tone of voice constantly so that the person sees I am engaged in the conversation. The other piece of criticism that Colin gave me was that I was kind of fidgeting with my laptop as well as shuffling my feet which he found distracting. I could see how that might be distracting or make it seem like I wasn’t paying attention, I didn’t notice that I was doing that, so I am glad that Colin brought it up. In the eminent person meeting it will most likely be over zoom so the shuffling of feet wouldn’t matter, and I wouldn’t have a laptop to fidget with, but I will keep it in mind for future in-person interviews. For the practice interview, I only prepared ten questions to ask, and it felt like the interview was over quite quickly. For my real interview I will prepare around fifteen questions but probably won’t ask all the questions, so the interview doesn’t go on for too long. Also on that note, I will try and ask more follow-up questions because I saw that Colin and Clara asked a lot and they seemed to be very engaged in the interview. The only other thing I can think of that I could’ve done better for the practice interview was preparing a bit more. I didn’t have my questions in any particular order, so a couple of times it took me a few seconds to figure out which question I wanted to ask her. For my eminent-person interview, I will order the questions in the order that I plan on asking them so that I can transition between questions faster and not ruin the flow of the interview. Those are the four main things that I could improve on from my practice interview and that I will apply to my real interview in the near future.

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