7 thoughts on “TalonTalk – How Does a Flower’s Type Affect Its Uptake of Water?

  1. Hi Sarah,
    Your TALON Talk was really well done! I really enjoyed seeing the simple yet effective images that you had to add to your speech. My question for you is, could a plant with a long and thick stem absorb water at the same rate as a plant with a thin and short stem.

    1. Thanks Matthias.
      In response to your question, it really depends on the plant. Some plants simply absorb water faster. Stem type only factors into that. Theoretically though yes, they could both absorb water at the same rate.

  2. Hi Sarah,
    Great job on this talk. You spoke loudly and clearly throughout the video, and your slides were organized really nicely. I also thought the organization of your research and the way you explained it to us was very wall done. You went in-depth and gave us lots of interesting background information before answering the main question. You hypothesized that shorter flowers with thicker stems absorb water faster. If these flowers were overwatered, does that also mean they would die faster than taller flowers with thinner stems? Which of these two flowers do you think would be easier to maintain?

    1. Thanks Saihaj!
      In answer to your question, there isn’t really a study I found that clearly responds to your question. However from what I’ve learnt, it’s my understanding that shorter flowers do need less water than taller ones, regardless of stem thickness. So it is likely that a shorter flower with a thicker stem would be easier to overwater.
      As for which flower type is easier to maintain, it truly depends on the flower itself and the conditions that the plant will be kept in.

  3. Hey Sarah! Great talk, the visuals you used helped me focus and made the talk really pretty. I like how easy it was to follow along and understand the key points. You gave some very good examples along with the background information which I also saw as very helpful as it helped me understand the concepts better. I have a question, you mentioned the different types of roots and their importance but your hypothesis only mentions the stems. Do you think the type of root the flower has might impact the water uptake as well or is it less important?

    1. Thanks Athena!
      Roots do affect water uptake in plants on some level, as they are what absorbs the water in the first place. But most flowers have fibrous roots, and even if they have another root type (like how dahlias have tuberous roots), their roots would likely still have fibrous roots coming out of them.
      With that in mind, I felt that for my hypothesis didn’t need to mention the roots because it’s a much more finnicky factor to measure water uptake for than it is for stems because most if not all flowers have some fibrous roots.
      So it’s not that roots are less important in water uptake than the stems, but for the simplicity of the hypothesis it was easier to not mention them.

  4. Salutations.

    I like your question, as it was a cool deeper examination and extension to what I would’ve considered a boring question. It was presented in a pretty manner, the narration was confident and easy to follow, and the research was concise and clear with its purpose.

    You seem to measure water intake as a final quantity, irrespective of the flower’s size, so I’d be interested to see which flower has the smallest water-intake-to-mass ratio.

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