Developing The Leaders Around You

Session One: A lesson that really stuck with me was the notion of being a leader makes you attract other leaders. Basically who we are as people and leaders is who we would attract for fellow leaders around us. This is the law of magnetism.  To quote Harvey S. Firestone, “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership”. I found this to stick with me because I believe this to be true, like-minded people that share similar ideas or plans can find they work well together, and improve each other, not to mention produce incredible results. TALONS itself is an example of us as leaders of similar skills and ideas working together in a safe, fun environment. My reasons for choosing the law of magnetism is because of what I mentioned previously, that I can relate it to TALONS since we as leaders help develop each other. I am going to apply this in my interactions with the TALONS 9s because they are newer to the program and as we as 10s mentor them they can help grow us in turn.


Session Two: In session two John C. Maxwell talks about what leaders are. Essentially there are 10 different types of thinkers that leaders are.
Big Picture Thinkers
Focused Thinkers
Creative Thinkers
Realistic Thinkers
Strategic Thinkers
Possibility Thinkers
Reflective Thinkers
Shared Thinkers
Bottom Line Thinkers
Unselfish Thinkers
A reason I found this one so interesting is because I like to compare what my mindset is to the ten types listed. I also noticed how it applies to TALONS in the way that since we are all still growing we clearly don’t all have all ten types but everyone in the class has at least several meaning as a whole we have all the qualifications of a leader. This principal can be applied to the future because I can use the list of what leaders are to work on changing then maintaining my mindset so all of it applies to me when I work on different activities.

Session three: What stuck with me most this session was the topic of how people learn. According to researchers, we remember 10% of what we hear, 50% of what we see, 70% of what we say, and 90% of what we hear, see, say, and do. Basically what it’s saying is that if we can reinforce our learning with different ways of memorizing it will stay with us better. I know this topic isn’t the main focus of this session but I found it the most useful. In the future in regards to trip planning or activities this can be applied to the actual planning or information stages because with this I will be able to remember details and thoughts better.

Session four: The part I found most useful was ‘Evaluation Yourself as an Empowering Leader’ because it provides the details as to what an empowering leader is and then asks you questions so you can see where you most need to improve. I can go back and look at my answers to see where I’m strongest and weakest in regards to it. Because for a lot of them I rated myself in the 7 or 8 range if I actively try to improve in these and boost it to about a 9 or 10 I’ll be a better leader moving on in the future and work better on trips and planning projects.