Final In-Depth Post

Welcome to Brian’s In-Depth Night Blog Post!

Good evening! My name is Brian, and this is the concluding post for my first In-Depth on flip book animation.

Before we get into my In-Depth project, I would really like to thank my mentor, Simon Piniel. Simon was always an incredibly supportive mentor who recommended very helpful resources and provided constructive advice to both Ben and I (we had the same mentor). Without his guidance, this project would not have been possible.

I hope that you’ve had or will have an enjoyable experience this evening. Thank you for taking the time to join me today. As my concluding and final project for this year’s In-Depth project, I’ve prepared a short flip book animation of one of my favourite scenes from the animated TV series, Steven Universe.

Animation (I apologize for the lighting): Steven Universe and Lapis Lazuli

For reference, this is the scene I was trying to create (3:53 – 3:59). Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to animate as much of the scene as I wanted to accomplish. I originally planned to include the scene of Lapis’ gem healing (3:59 – 4:09), but I realized this was much too ambitious for the time I had to work with. I’m still very proud of the work I’ve accomplished, considering I’ve never attempted animation before this year. The animations aren’t as fluid as the original, and some minor details can be fixed, but I’m happy with the progress I made throughout my journey this year.

Some of my previous studies 

Article A)                                                      

Article B)

Article C)

Article A: Study of different walk cycles. In this study, I observed the poses that compose walks which display different moods and atmospheres.

Article B: This page is from the notes I created on the 12 principles of animation, which was shown to Ben and I by our mentor, Simon.

Article C: A study of the facial expressions and poses of different cartoon characters.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them in the comment section. I will be answering any questions that you have. I hope you have an enjoyable evening looking at the In-Depth pursuits of my peers, and thank you for joining me this evening!

40 thoughts on “Final In-Depth Post

    1. Thank you Grace! I really liked the concept for your business! The name is very well thought out and I love the aesthetic of your PDF presentation.

      1. woah!!!!!!

        your flipbook is adorable!

        I love the fact you used Steven Universe as your reference!

    1. Thanks a bunch! I love Steven Universe as well! The show has been a great inspiration for my In-Depth project.

  1. Your post describes and explains all the parts of the process very well. What part did you enjoy the most and why?

    1. The part I enjoyed the most was when the flip book was nearing completion. Each individual page didn’t seem like much, but when put together, I was able to see a fairly fluid animation. I was really proud that all the pages I had painstakingly created came together very well to create an animated scene.

    1. I believe each page took me around 15-30 minutes to trace and alter, and I ended up with 56 pages. This project took me approximately 20 hours.

  2. Wow, Brian, so much work went into your flipbook! It looks amazing. Do animators still draw by hand, or has computer software changed the way animation is done?

    1. Thank you so much!

      Many animators use computer software nowadays for efficiency and accuracy. Hand drawn pages just take too long, and there’s a lot of room for error. With new computer programs and software, matching your previous page/frame is much easier. Seeing animators use computer software is much more common within the animation industry today.

  3. Hi Brian!
    I’m really impressed by your animations. I’ve always wondered how flip books were made. Isn’t it quite difficult matching up the previous image with the next? You did a great job.

    Do you plan on moving towards a career in animation or have it as a hobby? I must say, you’re very skilled.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. Thank you so much! Matching the images was quite strenuous, as I had to clip two pages together and use my window as a tracing pad. Sometimes my hand would get cramped, but I still had a lot of fun.

      I probably won’t move into a career specifically in animation. Animation will likely stay a hobby/passion for me.

      Your comment is very appreciated!

  4. Impressed with your studies and in-depth writing! Your drawings read very well without being overdone. I hope you keep going!

    1. Thank you so much Simon! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. This project would not be possible without your amazing support and guidance, and I hope to continue animating in the future!

  5. Hi,
    I am wondering how you motivated yourself to keep going with such a long process?

    1. I’ve always found animation very interesting. Although creating my flip book was a long process, I’ve never had any problems with drawing for long periods of time. Once I got started, I never got tired of creating pages/frames. Drawing among other art forms is a passion for me, so getting motivated wasn’t very difficult.

  6. w0w. Great work dude! I can tell you’ve spent a lot of time on learning animation. The final flipbook looks really good! (Also SU is cool) 🙂

  7. Your flipbook was so incredible to look at! You are such an amazing artist, and you can tell you put so much effort into this project!

  8. Everything’s so well polished! The different walk cycles are all really cool.

  9. Great job Brian! You’re a talented artist and your flipbook animation turned out really cool.

  10. This is such a cool project! It really showcases how much work goes into creating such an incredible piece. Did you have any challenges while working on your project? What was the hardest part?

    1. Thanks for the comment! While working on this project I had a bit of trouble creating pages of a consistent size. I used an excacto knife to cut out pieces of paper to draw on. This process consumed a lot of time, and at certain times I had to adjust the dimensions of specific pages. The hardest part was using my window as a tracing pad. Natural sunlight was my best option to trace images and make adjustments for the next frame of the animation, but my hand did cramp quite a bit.

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