Core Competency Quarter 1 reflection

  1. During Quarter 1, what went well for you? Explain.

During quarter one what went well for me was I was able to maintain a high grade in science and was also able to fully understand majority of the concepts and get a final grade I was happy with.

2.During Quarter 1, what did you find challenging or disappointing or stressful? Explain.

I found that having both math and science was very stressful as they were both very major classes and having them both in one quarter caused me to get a very low grade in math as usually I struggle with math to begin with so adding a crazy amount of homework daily to the mix dragged my average down.

3. Think of ONE thing you really want to improve in Quarter 2 (and Q 3&4). Examples: a school subject, a sport, time spent on homework/studying, playing a musical instrument, leadership skills, a language, photography, a relationship, general fitness.

During Quarter two I really want to work on my study habits and work ethic as they are not going to last as I rely on my general knowledge to get me through each course and I also end up completing every assignment very last minute. So I really want to build a good work ethic that will help me throughout my high school career, I also want to start volunteering this year.

4. What are two specific actions that you can start doing every day to get closer to your goal? How long will you spend on this action each day? What part of the day?

I can start doing my assignments the day I get them and also taking more time to review concepts before a big test and just being more organized in general and getting my stuff together in the evening.

5. If you experience challenges, what might you do to work through them? Examples: ask help from a friend or parent; break the task into smaller chunks; “google” how other people may deal with similar problems.

If I experience challenges, I usually break it down into smaller chunks and give myself a reasonable deadline to get the smaller chunks done.

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