Derek's Blog

My Gleneagle Digital Portfolio

In-Depth Project Introductory Blog Post

In-Depth Introductory Blog Post 

For my In-Depth project, I will be starting my own business. I will be learning skills such as how to design a website, manufacturing and designing a working product and sales and marketing. I chose this project because I plan to study business in the future. I am starting to research ideas on my product and reading articles on starting a business, such as “Making the Business Case” by Michael Volker. This project will be valuable in teaching skills such as entrepreneurship. 

Currently, I’m still searching for mentors. I received feedback from Ms. Mulder on my In-Depth Contract and she suggested the possibility of two mentors. The main advantage of having two mentors is I will get more advice and suggestions for my product and overall help. I’ve considered and thought about a few mentors, possibly business/marketing or woodshop teachers, however I still need to work out all the details. A con of having two mentors is the time to meet. I will need to set up a time to meet with my mentors that works for both me and them. If there isn’t a good time, then that will be a problem. 

A potential concern I have is where to find seed money. Originally, I was thinking of collecting cans and bottles to bring to the depot for money, but that may take some time to add up. Also, I realize that I will need to set up a bank account for all my transactions. If I set up a bank account, will I need to create it under the name of my business, or under my name? I don’t have a name yet for my business so that is a concern. 

After receiving feedback from my In-Depth Contract, I’ve put a lot of thought into how my product will turn out. If I use a bulky wood, then my tri-folds will be heavy and hard to deliver to my customers. However, I do have access to a workshop in my garage to create/design my product, which eliminates stress in that area. Also, my Dad may be willing to help deliver the tri-folds in the back of our car. My original plan was to have hinges connecting 3 pieces of wood together, but I need to find a type of wood that will work for that. In my research portion of my project, I will consider weight, stability, durability and size. Sometime soon, I hope to identify what materials I will be using for my project. 

My most important next step that I will be prioritizing is finding my mentor(s). Once I find and meet my mentors, we can work out a meeting schedule that will work for both of us. After that process is done, I should visit craft stores and dollar stores to find out pricing on regular tri-folds. I can also search online for how much a tri-fold costs, but I predict we’ll find a more accurate price locally. I’m very excited for my In-Depth Project and I hope to meet my mentor(s) soon!


Eminent Annotated Bibliography: Ray Bradbury


Ray Bradbury Eminent Person Reflection

1 Comment

  1. Nathan

    Wow! Incredible.

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