Bruce Lee – Eminent Night of the Notables

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the Eminent Night of the Notables, I, Bruce Lee would like to personally welcome you to my learning centre. Please enjoy the rest of the night my friends.

My Learning Centre

Thank you, I hope you enjoyed my learning centre, feel free to leave a comment below and I will reply as soon as I can

19 thoughts on “Bruce Lee – Eminent Night of the Notables

  1. Bruce, as a fellow Hong Konger, I appreciate the immense impact you’ve had, especially on how Asians are represented in film! In the past few years, Hollywood and Western media have been making significant changes in casting and showcasing Asian culture (ie. Crazy Rich Asians, Shang Chi) but there’s still more work to be done. What do you think about the recent increase of Asian representation in media, particularly with full Asian casts, and what else do you think needs to be changed?

    1. Hello, nice to see a fellow Hong Konger. I have really enjoyed getting to see new rising Asian Actors such as Simu Lee, the actor in Kim’s Convenience turned Superhero in Marvel’s newest film, Shang-Chi. I think the biggest flaw in the movie industry that could be changed is the incorporation of Asian Actors in films not specifically targeted and labelled as “Asian Films”. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

    1. Hello, who is Justin? My name is Bruce Lee. The most surprising fact I’ve learned about myself is that even years after I have passed my impact left not only on the Asian representation in films but also in martial arts is still evident today. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  2. Great project on a very interesting man. Some people become more famous because they die young, I feel that Bruce Lee would have been ultra-famous no matter what. Are you more interested in his career as a movie star, which helped battle Asian stereotypes, or in his innovative martial arts?

    1. Hello, I am glad that you think of me as an interesting man. I think that if I were to study myself I would focus on my impact during my career as an Actor as I helped to eliminate Asian stereotypes. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  3. Your learning center is very interesting and well designed! I also appreciate how there was a great amount of information but it was also concise enough to get through rather quickly.
    You have starred in many famous and influential movies, but which one was the most impactful for you and why?

    1. Hello, thank you for your feedback. I think that the most impactful movie for me was The Way of the Dragon, which was released in 1972 in Hong Kong. I chose this as the film was written, co-produced and directed by me, as well as the fact that I star in it. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  4. I enjoyed the design and relaxed nature of the post, but at the same time it has a punch to it (see what I did there?). I also loved the quote “Strength isn’t determined by the size of a man,” and many others. Your movies seem very exciting, did you influence the movie plots in a way? How did your coworkers treat you?

    1. Hello, thank you for your feedback. One of the most impactful movies that I made, The Way of the Dragon, was written, co-produced and directed by me, as well as the fact that I star in it. I influenced many other films with my expertise in martial arts which allowed me to give insight into the writing process. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  5. Your overall website was very polished. I especially enjoyed your three base principles of your martial art technique, the Jeet Kune Do. I noticed that you were born in 1940, but you passed away in 1973. What specifically led to your demise, and is there anything different you would have changed about your life?

    1. Hello, thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, I developed a brain edema caused by a reaction to a prescription painkiller. I lived my life with no regrets and I would not change anything about my life. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  6. Hey Mr. Lee, I really liked the way you organized your life’s information on your website. I learned so much about the way you impacted Asian representation in America’s movie industry. I was wondering, what was your most favourite movie to film?

      1. Hello, Thank you for your feedback. One of the most impactful movies and most enjoyable to make was The Way of the Dragon. It was written, co-produced and directed by me, as well as the fact that I star in it. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  7. Hey Bruce Lee! Big fan! I grew up watching some of your films with my big brothers (who would then “practice” Jeet Kune Do skills on their poor little sister….I digress) and I was always so impressed with the grace of your fighting. Perhaps this is a result of your style’s element of directness. Regardless, it was also something that stayed with me.
    Onto your personal life: your roles in film have really benefited a lot of people because you reflected a different race in film, something that was not done much in your time. Other people have asked about that, but I think it’s interesting that you married a woman who was not the same race as you. I wonder if you had to deal with any discrimination as a couple? As a family? Were there challenges associated with having a mixed-race family in your lifetime?

    1. Hello, thank you for your feedback. I am sorry that I may have incited the pain inflicted on you by your brothers. I think that the fact that I married a women not of my race shouldn’t matter. I have faced a lot of racism and discrimination based solely on my ethnic background although none from marrying a Caucasian woman. Due to my impact, my children didn’t have to face the discrimination that I did. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the evening.

  8. Great work! Your website was very organized. I liked how you talked about your eminence in both being an Asian actor, and a martial artist. Have you invented any martial arts moves? If so, what are they? if you haven’t, what is one of your favourite moves to do?

    1. Hello, thank you for your feedback. With the help of my extensive knowledge of my martial arts past I created my own martial art style called Jeet Kune Do, The Way of the Intercepting Fist. Thank you for looking at my learning centre, enjoy the rest of the day.

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