In-depth Post #6 – Programming For Video Games

Justin C


How will I present my project on In-Depth Night?

   For my learning centre this year I will be showing the progress of my learning by allowing people to play my fully developed game as well as show them a program that I coded at the beginning of my project. This will allow me to show how far I have progressed aswell as allow for everyone to interact by playing my game. I will be situated next to my laptop where you can play my game and I am ready to answer any questions that come my way. I have been working on my game for the past couple of weeks and it is coming along nicely. I look forward to getting to showcase it off.


Progress Report:

Since my last post I have:

Fully built level 1 of my game using tile mapping. Tilemaps are a very popular technique in 2D game development, consisting of building the game world or level map out of small, regular-shaped images called tiles. This was a very good technique that I learned how to utilize to build my level efficiently.

I learned how to add a saving and loading aspect to my game

I added a title screen with Help and Secondary menus and a play button that starts the first level of the game. I learned Unity UI such as adding buttons and assigning code to each to of them.

I have created Help and Secondary Menus. These menus are accessible in-game by clicking the pause menu at the top right corner and in the main menu screen. I added sliders and buttons and programmed them to do different tasks such as changing the volume of my game and restarting the level.

Bugs and features that I have fixed:

    • Fixed Crouching 
    • Auto Uncrouch when leaving the crouching area 
    • Jumping between levels 

What I plan to add soon:

    • Write a list of variables that I want to be able to carry over and save 
    • Create one more upgrade (jump boost?)  
    • Create an Upgrades manager that manages all the upgrades so that they’re only made once 
    • Polishing 
    • Look at assets for the front-end things 

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