Digital Footprint Assignment

Digital Footprint – What They Are and How to Manage Yours | Canto

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples.


  • An employer or an affiliate might look at something I did/left behind online a while back and think, “Wow what?! This guy did is pretty cool, let’s hire them and give them a good future opportunity.”  An example of this could be me posting a picture of me working in a local soup kitchen, or helping others, stuff like that, etc.


  • An employer or an affiliate could look at something I did/left behind and think, “Woah what?! This guy did something terrible!! Let’s not hire them and not give them a good future opportunity.” An example of this could be some racist tweets that I didn’t think before posting from 2012.

2. Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.


  • Recording what I post online and making sure what I post online isn’t harmful and can’t negatively effect me in the long run. Just being careful of what I publish and share. Not post anything that would stain my reputation.


  • Not only being careful of what I post online but what I do and say online as well. Such as being careful using online forums, websites, and texting friends. Being careful playing games and just talking with strangers online in general.


  • Keeping my information safe and secure, using multiple passwords and not giving my personal info to anyone on the internet or in real life either. Keep a positive and secure footprint.

3. If you could go back in time, is there anything you would do differently online? Think of what type of advice you would pass on to your younger self or other students. How could you go about explaining it to them?

I would make sure to be more careful and considerate in general online, since as younger kids we don’t know any better, and keeping a better job of creating a good digital footprint throughout. I would give my younger self advice such as not to give out any personal information, not fall for any elaborate pyramid schemes and scams, keep secure passwords and to be more diligent online on the internet. Just tell  ’em to be safe 👍.