TALONS Digital Literacy #4 – ZIP Inquiry Project

In English, we had a week-long project called ZIP. We had to ask an inquiry question and conduct research to try to answer it. We also had to create a learning artifact, something that represents what you have learned over the entire project. My inquiry question was “What are the essential components of an addictive video game?”. I chose this topic because I was interested in and passionate about game design. My final learning artifact was an original video game that I made that incorporated engaging game components that I had researched.

Below is my learning artifact, an original video game that I made.


I constructively build upon or synthesize the ideas of my peers. (4)

As I developed my game, I asked my peers to playtest the game and provide me any feedback or suggestions. I synthesized the feedback and suggestions that I received and improved my game. One example is when somebody suggested that I add more levels. I built upon there suggestion and added addition levels, as well as new game mechanics.


I determine and use the most effective medium for my work. (6)

Since my topic was about game design, I couldn’t think of a more appropriate medium for my learning artifact than a video game. When I designed my game, I incorporated elements that would engage the player that I learned about from my research. Some of these elements include scoring, levels, and music.


I design my work with consideration given to aesthetics and design, such as consistent color schemes, symmetry or organization of visual elements, and overall layout. (7)

I decided to create a game with simple graphics as an aesthetic. My game’s graphics are simple, but also effective. The simplicity of the graphics doesn’t distract the player from the core mechanics of the game. I also used consistent color schemes in my game: red, grey, and white. I also made sure that the overall layout of my game was organized by designing a menu, settings, and level select screen.

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