TALONS Digital Literacy Post #3 – Eminent Speech

In English, we had a big project called eminent. We had to research one influential figure that benefited the world positively. The person I chose for this project was Terry Fox. In addition to our research, we also had to present a speech from the perspective of an inanimate object or another person. I chose to create a speech from the perspective of Terry Fox’s artificial leg. Here is a copy of my speech: Eminent Speech



I critically assess research sources for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose. (9)

For this assignment, I used my research skills to find various sources for my research and to create a bibliography. I assessed each source that I found critically by checking for the date published, reading about the author’s background, as well as looking into the purpose of the source. I used reliable, purposeful sources such as the official terry fox foundation website.


I attribute credit to ideas that are not my own by preparing a Bibliography/Works Cited and by using in-text citations. (13)

For this project, I properly cited all of the sources that I used in MLA format. All of the sources are alphabetized. Eminent Grade 9 Works Cited


My work demonstrates a positive, productive, and empathetic worldview. (15)

While I worked on this project, I was inspired by Terry Fox’s determination. My final speech emphasizes Terry Fox’s Determination and demonstrates the power of perseverance. My speech was inspiring, encouraging others to never give up and highlighting the power of teamwork. These ideas represented in my speech demonstrate a positive and empathetic worldview.


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