Hello! Welcome to my Talon Talk!

This is MJ, and my topic is: How do different liquids alter the time that it takes for rust to form on Iron?

Talon Talk

Thanks for watching! Feel free to comment any questions below!


20 thoughts on “TALON Talk

  1. This was a very enjoyable presentation MJ! I enjoyed the hook you made, and I like how you made your own visuals. The whole presentation was very engaging and was well made. It was hard to find a wish through your presentation. The only thing I could think of would be moving your teleprompter or script closer to the camera in the future, so it looks more like you are looking at the camera. This really isn’t too big of a deal (I faced the same problem), and It didn’t take away from the overall of your presentation. My question is: Why is zinc used by manufacturers to coat iron over other materials? Is it cheap, or is it more effective than other types of coating?

    1. Thank you Evan! Now let me answer your question. So, the process of coating iron with a thin layer of zinc is called galvanising. As I mentioned in the video, this is to prevent oxygen and water from coming into contact with the iron. However, zinc also serves another purpose. The zinc is also a sacrificial metal. Basically this means that instead of having the iron oxidize (lose its electrons) the zinc oxidizes instead because it is more reactive than iron. However, the difference is that zinc does not form rust or weaken drastically unlike iron. And as you have guessed, zinc is probably the cheapest metal coating out there as it is usually cheaper than aluminum. So that’s why zinc is specifically used to coat iron.


  2. Really good video. I can see that you did a lot of research, and put a lot of work into formatting the script and editing the video.
    The background music made it much more pleasant to watch compared to just listening to scientific data.
    The part where you used a painting tool to describe the process of rust forming helped me understand the information.

    While watching your video, I was reminded of how Ms. Mulder had some minerals stored in mineral oil because they were very reactive. Is that the same as coating iron with paint or oil?

    1. Thanks so much David! Well, to answer your question, I’m pretty sure that the mineral oil is similar to coating iron with paint or oil. I’m not exactly sure what mineral was being stored in the mineral oil, but my guess is that it was a mineral that is highly reactive to oxygen. Since oil doesn’t let oxygen through, it keeps the mineral from coming into contact with oxygen and therefore keeps it from reacting.


  3. Hey MJ!

    Amazing video overall! Your explanation of how to prevent rust was easy to understand and very interesting. I thought that the tempo of your talk was perfect, and flowed very well.

    My only wish would be to make your interactive segment a little clearer, as I found it a little confusing at times. Nevertheless, I thought your interactive section was very engaging and creative.


    Are different types of paint more effective to prevent rust from forming?

    -Derek, TALONS 9

    1. Thank you Derek! So, to answer your question, yes, different types of paint are more effective in preventing rust. Most notably, spray paint tends to be the best at preventing rust mostly because it actually sticks to iron and is hard to get off. Now obviously, watercolour will not work as it doesn’t actually stick to iron, and gets washed out in the rain, but the more standard paint will also not be as good for preventing rust. Even if you find a paint that ends up sticking to iron, it will most likely dry up and end up cracking. The water and oxygen can then seep through these cracks and create rust that ends up opening up the crack and creating more rust. Hopefully this answers your question.


  4. Hi MJ, your presentation was very insightful and spoken clearly. It was cool how you used to paint to draw a diagram while you also did a voiceover explaining the rusting process. A minor wish I have for you lowering the volume of the background music. It wasn’t much of an issue since you spoke very clearly and loud enough for me to hear over the music but it would make it even easier to hear you. I also have a question for you. I know your inquiry focused on iron but I was wondering if all metals rust and why or why not. Great job on your presentation!

    1. Thanks so much Simran! Well to answer your question simply, no, all metals do not rust. Rust specifically refers to the compound Iron Oxide where specifically needed to form this compound. So, rust only forms on iron. However, other metals like aluminium do corrode. They go through a similar process like rust, but end with different results. For example, when silver corrodes, it simply loses its shine instead of turning into a different colour unlike rust. Hopefully that answers your question.


  5. That was awesome! I really liked the animal crossing soundtrack in the background, and you explained that really clearly! My only request would maybe add a few more pictures just to simplify the explanation a tiny bit more, but overall that’s my only criticism. Do any other materials exhibit a similar Redox reaction as Iron?

    Devon Brooks, TALONS 9

    1. Thank you Devon! And nice job on recognizing the soundtrack! Anyhow, to answer your question, yes, a lot of different metals do go through a similar redox reaction through a process called corrosion. This happens to many different metals like silver, except that it does not result in the same rust you see on iron. You see, rust is simply a specific type of corrosion that only happens on iron, so metals like silver also go through a very similar redox reaction, but does not create a rust like material at the end. Hopefully that makes sense and answers your question.


  6. Nice presentation MJ. I like how you seamlessly integrated text and diagrams to convey your point. You clearly know your audience and used subjects, topics, and language that we have all know. But while watching your presentation, I began to wonder if rust forms in the same way in metals that contain iron but contain other elements (i.e. steel).
    -Ewan Hildebrand, TALONS 9

    1. Thank you Ewan! To answer simply, yes, any material that involves iron does form rust. However, there are materials like stainless steel that prevents this. The reason why steel rusts while stainless steel does not is because stainless steel contains metals that are more reactive than iron. Metals like chromium are more reactive than iron and ends up creating a layer of corrosion that actually ends up protecting the stainless steel from coming into contact with even more water and oxygen. Hopefully that answers your question.


  7. Hey MJ! This was a really cool presentation! I really like how you drew diagrams to explain the process of rusting. In addition, your explanations were really easy to follow, and the images helped to add interest. It was a really engaging presentation! I couldn’t really think of a wish for your presentation.

    One question that I have for you is: Is it possible for iron to rust without oxygen? If so, how does this process work?


    1. Thank you Mike! So as I’ve mentioned in the video, the oxygen forms more water molecules with the leftover hydrogen ions which then splits into a hydrogen atom and a hydroxide molecule. This then continues the cycles so that even more rust can be produced. So without the oxygen, the amount of hydrogen atoms will run out and the iron atoms will no longer be able to oxidize, preventing further rust from forming. So to answer your question, no, rust cannot form without oxygen. Hopefully this makes sense and answers your question.


  8. Great presentation MJ! The effects, music and pictures made it very entertaining to watch while still being informative. The drawing you made with the water droplet made the concept a lot easier to understand. I also loved the snazzy outtro. I have no wishes becuase this was very well done! My question is do all types of paint prevent from rust or are some better than others? Good job on the project!

    1. Thank you Hailey! To answer your question, different types of paint prevent rust much better than others. For example, watercolor would be a terrible choice for this because it won’t stick to the iron, and even if it somehow does, it will be washed out in the rain. But paints like spray paint will actually work the best for this situation, it sticks onto iron, is water resistant, and is hard to get off, which makes it the best possible paint for the situation. More general paint will also have a hard time preventing rust because it cracks when dried. The water and oxygen can simply seep through the cracks and create rust. Hopefully that answers your question.


  9. MJ! Your presentation was was super clear and easy to understand. I liked how you edited in different pictures, words and videos as you were talking. I didn’t have any trouble listening to what you were saying. Your presentation was informative, teaching me everything I needed to know to understand your inquiry project.
    One question I have is how will you be measuring the amount of rust on the iron, or if you’re just measuring the time of the rust forming what will be your standard on what you consider rust and not rust?

    1. Thank you Grace! To be completely honest, I have not thought out my experiment out to that length and this is a great question to start with. Honestly, since there isn’t really an effective way to measure the amount of rust, I think I’ll simply be taking photos to show how much rust there is instead of simply trying to describe how much there is. As for what I’ll be considering rust, I think any visible rust will be considered as the iron rusting. Even if it’s a small bit of rust, I think I’ll be considering that as rusting. Hopefully that answers your question, and thanks for asking since this is a really helpful question for myself as well.


  10. Hey Myung Joon! Awesome job with your video, it’s always nice to see a face in these TALONS Talks once in a while compared to the voiceovers that most people did.
    I especially enjoyed the middle section of your talk, when you go into that “Khan Academy” styled lesson, as you talk over a live video of you illustrating some of the concepts mentioned. As a visual learner, this was super helpful for me to pick up and retain the information in your speech.
    One small nitpick of a wish that I did have was with your speech flow and the way you verbally communicated your thoughts. I noticed during parts of your speech that you tended to slow down, speed up, emphasize, or pause specific words for no apparent reason. This could just be a minor aspect that I picked up, but getting a stronger sense of your speech and how you want to present it might be a great idea.
    Lastly, I have a quick question:
    You mentioned that for Iron(III) Hydroxide (a.k.a. Fe (OH)3) to turn into rust, it needs to dry out first. So I was wondering if you knew how long it would typically take for this chemical to dry and eventually turn into rust. An additional (optional) question is: Is it possible to stop the Iron (III) Hydroxide from drying before it turns into rust?
    Overall, great job though! I enjoyed the video beginning to end. Now let me just bring out my tank of oil an-
    Gyu Min (TALONS 9)

    1. Thanks you for the compliments and feedback! I’ll make sure to keep track of that for next time. Anyhow, time to answer your question. To be completely honest, I don’t have an exact answer for you. This process has a lot of different factors that affect it like temperature, humidity, and whether or not it’s submerged, so finding an exact time is quite difficult. But generally, it should only take a little bit of time for it to dry and become rust. Then to answer your second question, based on the research I have already, I don’t think so, although I am unsure. Iron (III) Hydroxide is very simply “wet rust” so I don’t know if you’re able to wipe it off, or get rid of it in any way. Sorry I couldn’t answer your question that well, I really just don’t know.


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