#1 In-Depth Blog Post

What is In-Depth   In-Depth is a self-directed project supported by the TALONS program. It is the epitome of the school year for self-directed learning, demonstrating many of the skills that we have gained through the autonomous learner model. In-Depth is an annual 5-month long project that runs from January to May. Learners decide the topic they want to pursue through the project, and they get in contact with a…

Gleneagle School-wide Core Competency Assignment (Nov 18, 2020)

1. During Quarter 1, what went well for you? Examples: being back in the classroom, having only two courses, seeing my friends, keeping up with homework, playing volleyball, improving math, helping plan a virtual assembly, becoming more fit During Quarter 1, I was able to keep up with the accelerated pace introduced by the quarter system, along with adapting to the changed workflow of high school. The accelerated and improved…

How To Be A REAL Success (Hanson)

Welcome to another of my assignment blog posts referring to the workbook “How To Be A REAL Success by John C. Maxwell” Relationships One fundamental step to adding value to other people is to make yourself more valuable The fundamental beginning of fostering any meaningful and bonding relationship is the first interaction, why would they decide to approach you and not somebody else? Because they saw values in you that…

Ecological Footprint Assignment (Hanson)

My total ecological footprint was 11.1 hectares and I can explain why, just read. I would assume that my hectare score is extremely high due to the comparisons with peers which levelled below two digits. The highest-ranking elements in my list include Shelter – Hectacre count: 480 Transportation – Hectacre count: 280 Food – Hectacre count: 185 The ten things that affect my carbon footprint are: I have another home…

Digital Footprint Assignment

1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? Give at least two examples. I would assume that a digital footprint is a very powerful tool to bring back evidence from the past, and when we are talking about the past, it is important to remember if people can use the past against you. I believe that it is very rare that people to use information about the past…