Safe Schools Together Reflection (January 2023)

1. What if the show was not Truth Be Told, but something else? Would it make a difference what Iliana posted?
it would make a difference because if you are hiring them it isn’t a good idea for them to lie about what they re good at or what they enjoy. They should be truthful about who they are so that when you hire them there isn’t any misunderstandings.
2. Is it important that Iliana represent herself truthfully online? Why or why not? Are there other situations where it wouldn’t matter if she represented herself untruthfully?
it is important for Iliana to represent herself truthfully online so that she doesn’t loose opportunities in the future. I think thee are some situations that it can be okay to represent yourself untruthfully. Most of the time you should be answering and talking about yourself without needing to lie
3. Do you think social media has a positive influence on our lives? Why or why not?
I believe that it can have a positive influence on our lives by inspiring us with new and unique ideas. It can help you connect with those you might have lost touch with. While it can be a positive influence it is also a negative influence. Can make someone insecure or make them change who they are just by what they see online. I do believe that social media can have a positive influence on our lives but when used safely.