In-Depth 2022: Blog Post VI

Hello! Welcome back.

So this will be the final blog post of this year’s In-Depth. My classes went well, I finished the bag that used new techniques, Mai, is teaching clothing and fabric theory, we’re working on making a plated skirt, and I’ve started making a project on my own! If I’m being honest, not too much has happened. I’ve mostly been utilizing all the skills I’ve learnt so far, and the theory is pretty simple (basic math and logic really). Mai gave me more materials which I’m happy about. They dropped off all the fabric and zippers over the weekend and advised I get a thread stand so I can buy cheaper thread. We also lightly touched the topic of buying fabrics in my last lesson. I think even after In-Depth is done, I’ll be continuing lessons with Mai. The mentorship was incredible and I still feel like there’s so much I can learn. Though my basic goal has been completed, I believe that it will take me a while longer before I can reach where I one day hope I can be.

We’re presenting our In-Depth projects at the end of this month. Perfect timing really, I started my own project after I gained some inspiration recently. I’m thinking of presenting small items I’ve created as well as the personal project I keep mentioning. I’ll add some spoilers farther down. To demonstrate some skills I’ve learnt without bringing an entire sewing machine, I’ve decided that I’ll pre-iron some fabrics and bring pins, chalk, and scissors to the In-Depth night, That way, I can demonstrate some of the preparation skills I’ve learnt and work on my own projects, without having to sew on the spot. Visitors can ask questions and look at (or even inspect) the crafts I’ve made! I may also prepare a video of me sewing on my machine, just in case anyone is curious. It is the main topic I’ve pursued after all.

This was… a shorter post than usual. I suppose it makes sense as we’re wrapping up and I do want to keep some things a surprise for the evening. I definetly will be continuing sewing, and I believe I’ve learnt a lot in these few months.

See you on In-Depth Night!

These first 4 pictures are of a project I worked on while I was sick. It’s a flip bag showing the night sky on one side and the say on the other.

Here are some sketches of my special project! (I’m calling it Project N-X ehe~)

Here’s a small spoiler for “Adjudicator”. I utilised skills that aren’t used much, but I know about to sew on the “Rose” and “Cecelia”